More Blogger Problems - Need Your Help

January 7, 2016

Ever since the start of Open Live Writer, my posts have not shown up on Blogger's blog roll for several hours, up to 3 or 4.  But last night's post with a posting time of 9:44 PM yesterday is still not on blog rolls almost 24 hours later.   The post is out there, with this URL, you can go to it but it is not appearing on any blog rolls which is how apparently most of you find it.  Is it not appearing also on news feeds?
Could you check and see if you find it on whatever your source is and let me know?  The title is The Snail Hammock Trail on the Loop Road.  If there is a time that it appeared, could you let me know when that was?

Is anyone else having this problem and have advice for what to do about it?   It isn't possible to catch up to real time if it takes over a day for every post to show up where my readers are.  I'll be posting over myself like I'm doing here.  This post has some darling pictures of the endangered Big Cypress Swamp Squirrel and I hate for them to just get lost in chaos.

I am so sick of Google I could scream.  I'm wondering if this is yet another way to force us away from Live Writer.  Why in the world would they care?


  1. I've just seen it below this one, so it's on and visible to anyone in your blogreading list. I've had this with the occasional blog I follow, including one of mine, that it might not show up for several hours. One of them on occasion didn't actually show up in the blogroll until the next one was published, twenty four hours later.

    Do you tend to keep to a set schedule for your blogs? Such as on the hour, or do you just post when it's set to go? If it's a recurrent problem and you regularly schedule, it can be as simple as one of your readers clicking on your blog in the blogroll to get it actually showing up, even though it might have published a few minutes before that. I often get that with some blogs, that it's just a matter of clicking on them and a new post turns up in the list.

  2. snail hammock showed up on my blog 16 minutes ago.

  3. Snail Hammock showed up at the same minute that this one did, which was about 20 minutes ago.

  4. For your next one, if you're posting this evening, for instance, when you're done writing it, schedule it for the next hour- such as ten or eleven o'clock. See what happens then. I'll have a look at my blogroll before I turn in and see if a fresh one comes up.

  5. I gave up on the Google logo roll along time ago . What I did I save all my blogs that I like to read in a folder and I go and check it everyday and that's the way I get to read tomorrow unless I see them on somebody's sidebar like if I was reading duties and I seen yours on her side bar and then I would click on it... I just figure people will eventually find my blogs when I write them...

  6. Just checked my blog roll & no sign of 'Snail Hammock' showing up. I know strange things do go on with Blogger sometimes. I've had people's blogs just up & vanish from the blog roll for no reason. Anyway, hope you can track down the problem because I well know how absolutely frustrating these kinds of things can be.

  7. Yep, I've had this type of problem in the past. Usually I can get it to publish on the feeds if I go to the dropdown menu to "posts" and then check mark the little square box beside the post and hit "publish" again, even though I already know that I've published it. Sometimes I have to do this a dozen times or more in succession before it actually does publish to the blog rolls. It's a blogger glitch that usually solves itself in a day or two.

  8. Snail hammock post showed up in my blogger reader list of posts on my blogger dashboard page. I also got the email notification. Haven't checked my own blog but I'll do that. I read blogs from that blogger page most often, then next on Feedly, and last of all from my own blog page.

    1. Both posts are on my mohotravels page as of now. But I hadn't looked prior to this post of yours, so I am no help there. I really don't think Open Live Writer has any agenda at all, I think they are committed to making something work outside the Microsoft world, so I am glad they are doing it.

  9. I got the snail post in my feedly reader earlier today. Don't have a blog roll on my WP site to check. The whole google/blogspot thing is a love/hate relationship.

  10. It showed up on mine, but I've noticed it can be a several hour delay. I've also had blogs disappear from the list without me deleting them. Guess we get what we pay for :-)

  11. I have the same problem, and this is what I do to fix it.

    I go to and submit the blog in the box. Once I get a green check, my blog shows up within the hour. Be sure to follow their example for the ping...yours would be:

  12. This post and the Tree Snail post turned up on my computer this morning?!?!??? Go figure;-(((

  13. Both posts showed up on my blog roll the same time (13 hours ago it says). I usually check the blog roll every morning, I'm not usually on the computer at night, though I check on my phone at times.

  14. The tree snail post showed up in my e-mail at 9:40 on 1/6 but I did notice you were not on your own "My Blog List.":
    I copied this from my e-mail: Posted: 06 January 2016 9:44 PM EST
    I find you through e-mail or just typing "directionofourdreams" in my browser. Just now I found the "More Blogger Problems" by typing your URL into my browser, I had not seen it nor do I remember getting the e-mail directing me to the January 7 ("More Problems") post. JL

  15. I received it yesterday morning by email at 5:09 AM. Bill and I really enjoyed reading it. I saved it because we are heading to the Everglades next week. We are currently in Fort Myers. We love reading your blog so much. Please don't give up on it. We would really miss it!

  16. Maybe I'm late to the party, but your blog post showed up fine.

  17. I read from my blog roll every morning around the same time which is usually about 12 to 15 hours after you post. This morning I see this post came on 17 hours ago, overriding the original one so I don't know if or when that one might have shown up. So sorry you're having this issue!!!!


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