Finally - Vermont’s Hamilton Falls and Overlook Rocks

Wednesday August 24, 2016                     Most Recent Posts:
Winhall Brook Campground                          Accident on the Appalachian Trail
South Londonderry, VT                                No Idea Where We are Headed – 2 Hikes in Vermont


Thanks To You
Hoping this one Posts

I’ve completely rewritten this post which was the one that got a 404 error for a week.  I did it from the beginning all by hand, no cut and past.  So this is twice I’ve prepared this one.  Sheesh!!   Fingers crossed it posts.  Thank you all SO much for all the comments and suggestions during the nearly week when things weren’t going well.  To see them pop up throughout the days was the bright spot that kept me from giving up on it all.

Thanks to You,
About That Fall

Also, in response to all your wonderful comments on my earlier post about my fall on the AT (link above), I was only a mile off of Route 11 along the trail when it happened.  It was clear to me once I did an assessment that nothing was broken which is why I continued on and even went up the Spruce Creek Trail where I had to climb up.  This is only the 3rd time in the past 25 years that I’ve fallen so it’s a very rare event.  If I were not willing to hike alone unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to do much hiking so it is a risk I am willing to take for the pleasure it gives me.

I do so appreciate all your comments of concern.  It is amazing to have people I’ve never met worry about me.  This post is about the very next day.  My injuries looked a lot worse than they were. Just bruises, no breaks, nothing torn.  As someone said to me, I guess I’m just bouncy.  The body is amazing.  


Now….. as I’ve been trying to say for a week now -



Today we go to check out nearby Jamaica State Park and to hike up to Hamilton Falls.   This is the falls that you can hike to from Winhall Brook by taking the West River trail past Angel Falls as I did in this post.    If you have read the post about Angel Falls and beyond you will remember that I hiked up to the top of the dam but to go on to Hamilton Falls nwould have added another 5 miles to my 10 mile hike.  Too late in the day for that.

But today we are going to Hamilton Falls just from the other closer direction starting in Jamaica State Park.  It too is in the Ball Mountain Recreation area. CUT AND PAST STARTS HERE It really is amazing how large the recreation area is.   You can walk between the two state parks if you have the time and inclination. The parks are about 9 miles apart by roads VT 100 and VT 30. The West River Trail connects the two. In the same post about Angel Falls, I talked about the 36 mile West River Trail built on an old rail bed.  It has very interesting history.

The trail here is 6.8 miles, goes off from the day use area of the park and along the river just as the ones we took earlier to Angel Falls and to South Londonderry. As you can see from the picture above, the trail is high above the river. Because it is an old rail bed, it is mostly flat with a gradual rise. Very easy hiking with wonderful rocks on the side opposite the river.



There are some very interesting picnic tables along the way but it’s too early for lunch just yet. This particular spot is an overlook for “the dumplings” a group of large boulder glacial erratics that in more abundant water times are used as a play place for white water boaters.  I’m not a white water kayaker but it sure would be fun to sit here and watch them.






I take a rather steep path down to the see these “dumplings” close up. David goes on toward the falls. I’ll catch him.




The water is pretty cool for a swim today I think, but I’ll bet this is a fun place to play on a hot summer’s day if there is such a thing in Vermont.




Back on the trail I find more mushrooms of course and one of the folks who apparently knows which ones are good to eat.









He’s so much fun to watch and as long as I don’t move, he goes on about his business filling his cheecks with shrooms. From the size of him, I’d say he’ll be well prepared for winter.



Caught him with his mouth open


About 2 miles along the West River Trail and just before Cobb Creek, which is the source of the falls, the West River Trail continues straight and the Hamilton Falls Trail goes off to the right at a steep climb. I’m told this trail was an old Wagon and truck road but I sure don’t see how they could do this rocky climb.



Along the way and through the trees on the right I can see cascades.






As I near the falls, the trail becomes less rocky and wider though still fairly steep. I haven’t caught up with David yet. He must really be hoofing it which he doesn’t usually do up hill.




When I reach the trail to the base of the falls it is so steep they have stairs.  I still haven’t caught up with him.




Down I go where I find several people at the base of the falls but none of them is David.





Thinking maybe he has gone up to the top of the falls first, I climb back up the steps from the bottom of the falls to the wagon trail and take it on to the top.

Here I find a sign in huge letters telling me these falls are one of the deadliest in the state, at least in terms of fatalities. Scary sign but no David.

I do learn later that on the day after our hike to Hamilton Falls, a 17 year old boy fell 100 feet to his death from the area beyond the sign. He was from New York and on vacation with his family who were with him. Very sad indeed. I’m not sure how any of them could have ignored this huge sign.  His death makes number 12 here.



At the top I try calling him on my cell phone which has a weak signal but it won’t work.  As I walk back down to the foot of the falls, I am starting to worry.  I’m using my camera zoom lens to look down over the trail edge toward the bottom of the falls when I see David’s red shirt through the trees.

It turns out that he just got here. How did I pass him and not see him especially in that red shirt? I have no idea. We try to figure out where he got far enough off the trail that I would have missed him. We never do figure it out.

But here we both are at what is described as the most impressive waterfall in the state. Cobb Brook, after slowly flowing through fairly level terrain, drops 125 feet. After dropping down a 15' slide into a pothole, the stream slides down a long and steep sloping ledge of schist, then shoots into a large hollowed pocket, the edge of which forms the lip of the final 30' drop.

We are here late in the summer during a drought year so we’ll have to imagine its greater flow.



Seems like a great spot for lunch.


You really can’t see the three pools of the falls from down here so after watching a few others climb up through the woods on the right side, I climb up to take a look.




David stays down and checks out the erratics at the base and on down the creek.





I am up on the right hand side of the rocks forming the falls but I am on the ground beside them. From here, I can see the little dots of people down below, yellow and red in the center opening. They look very far away.



I can see the pools by leaning up onto the rock like wall that is the side of the falls but I would have to get up on top to get pictures of them. Even though I know nothing of the tragedy to come, I agree with the sign at the top. I’m not stepping on the rocks. But from my safe spot, I can get this shot of the water falling over. It’s loud and lovely.



Coming back down through the woods I see that some brave women have donned their bikinis and are swimming in the bottom of the 3 pools. After seeing the pools, the bottom one is the only one that seems safe to me too. Bet that water is mighty cold.



Time to head back.  We take the steps up to the wagon trail and hike back down to the West River Trail.



Sights along the way down.






David prefers hiking in this direction given the steepness of the trail

   I love the works of art all along the trail. 






We are back on the West River Trail with the river now on our right when I see the cut off for the Overlook Trail.

David says he’ll have enough with 6.8 miles but I’m feeling fine despite yesterday’s fall and think I’ll hike up and take a look.

I start off up the hill and watch him head on down toward the car. It’s a narrow trail and steep but looks fine at the beginning.







Only a little further on the trail becomes rough, steep and apparently is not used much. It’s only because of the blue painted blazes on the trees at intervals that I am able to make it to the top. The trail is not apparent at many points like this one.




But ultimately the ridge and the view are in sight.



I am looking out from the summit of Little Ball Mountain.  What a view this must be in the fall with all the glorious color.



I wander around on the top for a while following what start out as paths but go no where.
Still it is beautiful up here and I spend not as long as I’d like just breathing in the beauty up here.   Someone is waiting for me though so I have to be on my way.








Heading down, I see from the signs there are two choices. The way I came up is the blue blaze. This sign calls it “To the Railroad Trail”. The other sign says “To the Campground.” If David were not waiting for me on the “Railroad Trail”  I would definitely go down to the campground and walk back to the day use area. But……I guess that’s for another day.



Sure am glad there is a blaze. I’m figuring the campground trail must be more used and hopefully easier to follow. Somehow I can’t see a family with small children hiking this one.




More lovely sights along the way.





I’m nearing 9 miles when I get back down to the river and the main trail.



My driver is waiting.  I try not to scare him when I get in to the car.



We’ve hiked another lovely trail along the West River to falls and overlooks.

Great day in Vermont!!




  1. Glad you finally got this posted without an error message. Things like that can be so frustrating.
    What a lovely hike!

  2. Very nice photos. Such a pretty place.

  3. Vermont is so beautiful. We really need to get there one of these days. However, you have shared such wonderful places that I feel like I have been there already!!

  4. I was beginning to worry about David, when you spotted his red shirt! Those big boulders remind me so much of my hike along the Appalachian Trail in VT. VT has a lot of variety for such a small state.

    Glad you aren't hurting too much to hike. Careful, though!

  5. Only 10% of people read signs, according to a visitor from the canyon. How did you miss the bright red shirt? Probably some sweet patch of mushrooms caught your eye. ;) What a delightful hike and those falls are great. Must be thundering when running at full volume. Glad you got this one out.

  6. Those falls really are impressice. What a landscape!

  7. So glad you got this post to 'post'. Love the little chipmunk and his puffy cheeks. Getting ready for winter!

  8. I never knew chipmunks ate mushrooms. I guess you can tell which are the safe ones to eat by watching him? Really cute pictures of the little guy! :cD

  9. Thank you so much for all the work to get this great post ready for me to enjoy!! That first pic of David on the trail is fabulous. Such a pretty waterfall, glad you paid attention to the sign. I love all the different mushrooms, especially the little bright orange ones. Your chipmunk is adorable, although not as cute as your driver :-))))

  10. Hi Sherri, those are some HUGE boulders in that river in Vermont!! Geez! Looks like a really lovely walk/hike... glad you were not hurt too badly, Take Care!!!!!

  11. Great hike and falls, another great place we missed. I definitely would not be swimming there.

  12. Beautiful rocks and trail. Sounds like dad was smart to wear a red shirt. That chipmunk was quite cute and the mushrooms along the trail very pretty.


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