Having More Problems with Live Writer-UPDATE


  UPDATE is in the comments section

Trying a no picture little text post to see if I get this error again.

Just tried to post in Open Live Writer and out of the blue got this error. I’ve spent hours now googling to see what’s up here since everything has been working fine for months. I can’t find anything on it since Dec 2015 and Jan 2016 when they claim they fixed it. Have any of you had this error and found out how to fix it?

3pm I’ve given up looking for solutions and trying to find anywhere to bring this to the attention of the Live Writer folks. There won’t be any more posts apparently until I can get someone who knows what’s up to tell me how to fix this. I know there are readers who are already not happy about how far behind I am in terms of real time but at this point I can’t even try to catch up.

I’m using windows 7 and the latest Live Writer version 0.6. Everything was working fine yesterday.

Here’s the entire error text if you have any idea:

The service blogger has thrown an exception: Google.GoogleApiException: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Not Found [404]
Errors [
Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]

at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at OpenLiveWriter.BlogClient.Clients.GoogleBloggerv3Client.EditPost(String blogId, BlogPost post, INewCategoryConte


  1. I don't know. I would give up for the day, maybe come back to it in a couple of days after leaving a detailed message in a help center. I don't use Live Writer to compose blogs.

  2. I was thinking the same thing that William Kendall said. Sometimes these things do resolve themselves after a day or two. No clue why or how, but hopefully that will be the case. I think I received a message similar to that some time ago, but as you know, I am not posting all that often so am not a good test.

  3. I made blog post last evening and it was working OK for me sometimes they do work themselves out given time...

  4. Hi Sherry, long time lurker, - 404 is a common 'not found' message. Hope you saved a local copy to share! If the error occurs on posting a draft to blog, it may be a local resource is missing - a picture has been moved or renamed, etc. If the draft posts fine and the error occurs editing the draft a link could be defective, check them from your local copy. And as others have said, it could just be a busy server try again in the morning. Or it could be something else entirely ....

    Let us lurkers know, I'm sure I'm not the only follower that also uses Live Writer

  5. Wish I could help here, but I can only wish you luck and hope with patience that someone else will fix it or it will fix itself. Way too frustrating to have something so out of your control.

  6. Wasn't there something years ago when you needed to buy more google storage for photos, or something??? Can't exactly recall but it was something to do with photos.

  7. Are there really readers who are upset that you are behind? Blogging as well as you do takes work. I would think most understand. I am unfortunately no help when it comes to blog writing and posting. Hope it fixes itself soon..we all enjoy your posts and I enjoy them real time or not :) xoxo

  8. I've always just used Blogger. Most of the time it works ok, and with a minimum of fuss.

  9. To say I am clueless is an understatement:) I have only used blogger with no add ons.

  10. I hate error messages that seem to be written in Martian. Just posted on Open Live Writer with no problem. But I do get errors when my signal is weak. You could try uninstalling it and reinstalling. All the help I can give. I know you're behind and usually so am I, but that's OK because I love reading your stories. Hope this can be worked out. I sympathize with your frustration.

  11. I can't imagine anyone being upset about you being behind in your posts! They must not have enough to do in their own lives if they're micromanaging you, haha! Hope you get the problem solved, though, because I know how challenging it is to deal with technical issues. I like the advice of taking a break and giving the issue time to resolve itself—that often works for me. :-)

  12. 404 error sometimes just means the Google server is slow uploading, or the Internet in general is slow. Hopefully you try again later and it will be ok.

  13. I am using windows 10 with the latest live writer... now I use pictures directly stored on my hard disk and not links to other photo storing web sites (that may your problem)

  14. Ugh! I get frustrated, too, when these programs go crazy on you and leave you helpless. I have no solution, but I do feel your pain. Been there, done that. :c(

  15. I'm zero help for any solution so will just provide moral support from afar! This too shall pass. It's building character. Reboot! It will all work out.

    There, feel better? Hope it resolves itself soon.

  16. Just want to thank you for your comments and some ideas for help. This has now been going on for 3 days. I've tried to post it several times each of those 3 days with the same error so it appears it is not going away on its own.

    I've posted asking for help from blogger and open live writer everywhere I could find and have had no response. I have tried to repost the blog that has been rejected without any pictures and got the same result. So it's not the pictures.

    Like Heyduke my pictures have always been stored on my hard drive so there shouldn't be any links to other photo storing web sites.

    I don't what more to do. I have several posts ready to go but none of them will post. I've tried using blogger direct to get this posted and it is just so limited in what it can do that it would take forever to post what I put together on Live Writer.

    So that's where I am and it appears that there will be no more Direction of Our Dreams. If you have any more suggestions for what I could do next that would be wonderful. If not perhaps, you have some suggestions for a new blog title, I could use some help.

  17. All I can suggest is to try the help forums again, and keep trying until someone answers. I've always found Blogger easy to work with, which is why I've never considered using another method.

  18. Oh Sherry, take this as a hint to take a break. But I sure hope it will be resolved soon especially that you have posts already on queue.
    Im no help when it comes to Live Writer :(

  19. Sorry you have to be so frustrated while you are trying to just record your memories. Just remember these are your memories and don't stop just because you can't post in Live Writer. Do this for you & David. Years from now, you will be so glad you kept a record. I just got frustrated with the time it takes to put a blog together. So I just keep a journal with my photos in Word documents now. It would be nice to share it, but it just takes up too much of my time. Now, that being said...We do enjoy your blog!! Hope it all works out:o)

  20. People say there have been quite a few improvements in blogger, that it's not so difficult to use now, even with lots of pictures, so maybe give it a try. I'm still using Open Live Writer (working so far, but my last post was a couple days ago), but I did try blogger directly for a few posts as a test. It did seem better than it used to be, but obviously I did go back to LW (mainly because I was on marginal internet service this summer and liked to be able to compose my posts offline, and then just get online to publish them). Good Luck - I hope you are able to find a solution!

  21. I would take a breather for another day, and then just use Blogger. It isn't difficult; I just let my photos fall in the same spot on the page in every blog. But Blogger allows other placements; I don't find it worthwhile to bother changing them. I guess the question is whether you want to just publish your blog or find it necessary to be very creative about the process. Personally, the creativity is lost on many people - they just want the narrative and pictures.


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