Blogger and I are at Odds Again

Tuesday November 15, 2016


Tonight I published a post entitled I Get the Runaround on the Way to See Waterfalls and Spring David.  This is the last of the Delaware Water Gap posts.   Blogger published it and then about 30 minutes later republished a post from over a year ago.  So if you are reading on your feed or blog roll a post from 2015 when Carrie and Matthew came to visit, you are REALLY far behind. 

Skip it and use the link in blue above to go to the current post and please leave comments there. I love to read them.

Sorry for the trouble.  Not sure who is to blame for this particular mess.

All will be well in the next post from Virginia with Carrie and baby Celia in it.



  1. Yea...I thought you had gone into a time warp;o)) Regardless it was fun to see that post again!!! But can't wait to see the grandbaby...oh and Carrie too;-)))

  2. Did you edit the post or add or subtract anything? I did that once with post and discovered it had republished.

  3. I do not think it's just you I was reading another blog with the same problem I still use live writer and have no problems please disregard the above comment it did not come out right and it would not delete for me

  4. I didn't get the old post. Sure am looking forward to baby Celia. And Carrie too.

  5. My newsfeed for my own blogs occasionally shows an older post as though it is a new one, but when I go to the blog itself, that particular post is still where it is in the archive. Perhaps that's because I usually put a specific posting date in OLW since I am usually playing catch up and want those posts to remain in the archive for the month/day in question.


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