Fog, Chilly Temps & a Couple of Redos

Saturday June 2 – Friday June 8, 2018                                                          Most Recent Posts:
Big Meadows Campground                                                            Another Watery Adventure – South River Falls
Shenandoah National Park                                                                             Lewis Falls – An Adventure


For those who love  foggy scenes, here are some.
Saturday and Sunday were both totally foggy days.  Since I’d already done Big Meadow in the fog and wasn’t up to driving somewhere else to find myself fogged out, I just enjoyed the fog from my windows.

Here’s out the front on Saturday at 7:52am


The fog lifted a little and then dropped,  lifted and dropped all day.

The air was wet outside.

To give some idea of how it came and went literally by the seconds, I went out and  it looked like this at 2:10:41 pm.


Seriously, 10 seconds later at 2:10:51, it looked like this.

2_10_53 pm



2:19 can you see Winnona

Winnona in the Fog12:20pm

2_20 pm

After two days of this I’ve done all the blog writing, book reading, emailing and game playing I can manage.


Today is the day for those who like water falls.
On Monday the fog finally lifts!!!!

I walk down to Dark Hollow Falls.   It’s the closest falls to the campground and I’ve already posted once about it in my Dark Hollow and Rose River Loop post which is here if you missed it and would like to see more than these highlights.

The trail from the campground soon follows along side a tributary of Hogcamp Branch which forms Dark Hollow Falls.


This sweet bridge crosses the water and leads to the Visitor Center.


Following Hogcamp Branch down to the falls, it is clear that it is out of its bed.


Top of Dark Hollow Falls.



At the base of the upper falls. I sat on the rock from which I took this shot for quite a while before I could get this picture with only one person in it.


Heading further down this shoot is off to the right.


Shoot is the perfect word for it now as the water thunders through the narrow passage.


I hike to the bottom and find Lower Dark Hollow Falls.  From here you can climb back up the way you came, take the Rose River Fire road up or continue on down taking the Rose River Trail.  I did the latter last time.  Today I just hike back up enjoying the views of the powerful water from the other direction.

Me at the bottom before starting back up.


The Upper Falls on my return – no people – amazing


Hiking further up I come to this nice waterslide that had too many people on my way down but looks great and inviting now.  Except of course the water is VERY cold and the temperatures are not hot.


Water is THE element.  It wears away Earth, extinguishes Fire and can cut off air.


I couldn’t decide which of the close ups I liked better so they are the end for today.




Today is the day for those who like views.
I’m getting pretty slack.  Sticking close to home.  Full time RVing isn’t any different than real life.  It’s not go go go all the time.  Today I take a walk on the AT which like yesterday’s Dark Hollow Falls hike can be done by just walking out my door..  The temperatures are pretty cool for June 5th.   I have  no electricity here and put away my propane heater thinking it was summer.  You know, June.   But by 9:18am it’s only 61 inside.  Might as well go outside and do something.


A hike on the nearby AT fits the bill.   I pick it up on the far edge of the campground


I find some nice western views along the way.



Luckily no fog today to hide the views but the clouds are lowering and looking a bit dark.


I can see the Skyline Drive there among all the green.


Such soft gentle looking mountains the Appalachians.  Not like the Rockies at all.



Mountain Laurel along the trail.



My wildlife for today’s hike.


He looks very well fed.


At first I headed south, then I reversed course back to the campground and beyond.  The AT skirts the edge of the campground but unlike Lewis Mountain, the camp store is a long way from the campground for hikers wanting to resupply.  But at least there are two restaurants here and none at Lewis.




I’ve been heading downhill for quite a while now. 
When the trail starts getting muddy I decide it’s time to turn around and climb back up. 

I love having the AT so easily available.  There is no stretch of it that is not a wonderful hike.


58 inside at 7:30 this morning. Brrrrr – time for hot chocolate and oatmeal.


Since it isn’t much warmer inside than outside, I bundle up and sit in the sun on the patio reading.  No awning.  I sure don’t need shade.


Reading wasn’t the only thing I did all day but all the rest was chores.  The temperature inside did get up to a whopping 75 inside, while I did some cooking on the gas stove, but dropped back down to 66.  It will go lower over night.  Never got over 61 outside today.   This is June in the mountains of Virginia. 


I head into town for these two days to get supplies for the week-end and take care of medical appointments.  You know, get your teeth cleaned and inspected.  Have your annual physical.  Fun stuff like that.   It is VERY hot at the foot of the mountain.  After the temperatures I’m used to, it’s hard to breathe down there.

When David went to Cardiac rehab Friday afternoon they found he had a temperature that is too high for him so he was sent him to the emergency room.  There they gave him antibiotics and kept him over night.  A Hematologist former colleague of David’s was on call and neither he nor David could understand why they kept him since they’d done cultures, given him antibiotics and his temperature was back to normal.  They sent him home Saturday morning thanksfully as Carrie and Celia were due to arrive for a visit.


  1. Thanks for the weather update. Glad David is on the mend. That is one chubby squirrel.

  2. Nice to see the sunshine hike, and the views on the following day as well. I'm not a fan of the fog. Makes me feel low even to look at photos of it! LOL Hard to imagine cold fog this time of year, even though I know it was a month ago. We get all our fog during the winter and by March, it is pretty well done for the year. The rains stop in May, and so our brown summers definitely are different than your perennial greens. I do love that. Water. It is all about water, as you said.

  3. I've never seen fog like that last all day long! That is intense. But it has a magical beauty when you can at least see the outlines of the trees. When the fog finally lifted you certainly had some gorgeous days! Waterfalls, wildflowers, wonderful trails, and those outstanding views. With morning temps in the 50's I'd be dragging that propane heater back out, haha!

  4. I love the fog, but I sure love your waterfall pictures just beautiful and almost feels like I can reach in and touch them.

  5. Not a fan of the fog, but it does create a beautiful green environment. The sun seems so much brighter after a couple foggy days!!! Beautiful falls, but not a fan of 50 degree weather;o((

  6. So very different from here, the lush green and running water. I can't even imagine fog in June. Especially as I sit in AZ today getting ready to turn the AC on as the temp climbs past 90° with 68% humidity. Oh please, bring on the rain.

  7. We could use some fog here, it's been HOT here, high 90's. It makes it quite foggy and cold at the beach (poor tourists!).

  8. We get fog in the winter on the TX Gulf Coast, it's fine for a bit but after awhile I'm ready for it to be gone.

  9. Fog and falls - two of my very favorites! The cooler temps sound heavenly. I always prefer looking for the sun rather than trying to hide from it. Glad David's issue was quickly resolved and hope it stays that way.

  10. The waterfalls are a delight to see!

  11. I love the presentation of this post: fog, waterfalls, and views! Not sure if I like envelope in fog all day, that will surely dampen my spirit. But the hike to the waterfalls seem a reward for those blah days. And the views, well, its so green out there but I can believe your temps in June is pretty mild.

  12. I probably told you this story -- so sorry -- but I was up there on the first day of summer once with a good friend to celebrate her birthday. I was so cold that I bought my first and only "Shenandoah National Park" sweat shirt at a price that I did not want to pay since I have plenty of sweatshirts and jackets. It's deep rose and not my color. :-) When one is desperate, one is desperate. I never go up on July 4th without a jacket, but we left after work that day and I was thrown off my routine. The picture of us looks like we were there in November -- hoods up and drawn tight. C-razy. Thanks for sharing about our home state park. I love it so much, and we are blessed.

  13. You really captured nicely some the beauty and wonder of Shenandoah National Park. How lucky we are to be so close to this beautiful, peaceful place - great place to relax and explore!


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