Late Breaking NEWS!

September 1, 2018
Severn, Maryland

We interrupt this lengthy blog series on the Great Smoky Mountains to announce the birth

at 9:42am on September 1st of Colin Harrison Iwanowski, brother to Celia Claire,  son of  Matthew and Carrie and our new grandson. 

We managed to get to Virginia in time for this but both of us have had horrendous colds since returning, guess that’s a hint, and haven’t been able to visit this precious baby.

But as soon as we are confident we will bring the family no germs we’ll be going to meet this sweetheart in person.


They are home now and all are fine and adjusting to this  new four person family.

They got outside for a family portrait.   It’s the wind blown hair look.

9_7_2018 New Family windblown hair

Welcome to the world Colin, we  couldn’t LOVE you more!!
I think your big sister loves you too.


  1. Congratulations grandma and grandpa, mom,dad and big sister!he looks like a keeper.

  2. I know that you are anxious to meet little Colin! Geez....Carrie doesn't even look like she just had a baby!

  3. Congratulations to all. Another Grandchild to spoil! That is one of our favorite pleasures:)

  4. Congratulations to both of you! What a treat. I hope by now you are all better and visiting that sweet little boy. Perfect, a boy and a girl.

  5. That is wonderful news! Now two grandkids means four times the fun! :c)

  6. Precious....ABSOLUTELY Precious!!! So happy for everyone and send our best to all!! Hope you are both back to good health soon so you can meet the latest addition and let the spoiling begin:o))

  7. Congratulations to all of you! Such sweet and happy family photos. Sure hope you two are feeling better and that you've been able to see that darling new grandbaby. Love the photo of Celia hugging Colin. :-))

  8. Wonderful. The pictures all show such happiness.
    Congratulations Grandma & Grandpa

  9. Congratulations to all of the Family. Sure is a handsome little guy

  10. Congratulation to all! Love the family adorable:)

  11. What a joyful event for your family! Love the wind blown family portrait.

  12. Congratulations on another bundle of joy. You must be thrilled. Praying for your colds to be gone.

  13. Congratulations to the whole family. Hopefully you’ll be able to visit soon.

  14. Congratulations, Sherry and David! What a beautiful young family. Wishing them a happy life.

  15. OH!!! How very special and a great family event!!!
    Take Care ALL and God Bless

  16. How wonderful, delightful, and fun. Grandchild #2. I do hope you are over the colds and visiting in person.

  17. What wonderful news!!! They look so happy and up to the challenge! Hope yours and David's health improves quickly so that you can all celebrate together. Love to all!!

  18. Oh how wonderful!! Born the day after our Mason. Congratulations to the whole family!!

    I hope the farm is out of the danger area for Florence's arrival - you two be safe.

  19. Great news and so happy for Carrie and Matt. Happy for the proud grands as well. Get better soon!!!
    Love to all
    Uncle Roger and Aunt Carol

  20. So hoping you can come meet Colin soon! Always nice to read the lovely comments ❤

  21. Oh! Congratulations to the family. Colin is a sweetie, love the name!

  22. I hope you're somewhere out of harm's way with Florence coming up to the coast.

  23. awww, he looks so serene! So sorry you haven't been able to meet him in person yet.
    Congratulations, Carrie and Matthew!!

  24. Congratulations to the whole family!!! Hope you get there soon.

  25. Congratulations on the new grandson. What a little doll.

  26. The family is growing! A boy and a girl grandkids, is now complete. Hope you get rid of that cold so you can hug the new bundle of joy.

  27. Well, I see what I missed. I am so happy for you!


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