Enjoying Atlantic Beach Campground

Tuesday November 6 – Saturday November 17, 2018                                     Most Recent Posts
Atlantic Beach Campground                                                  Trials and Tribulations of a Chronic Illness on the Road
Fort Clinch State Park                                                                                 Being Part of a Pilgrimage
Fernandina Beach, Florida

IMG_3452The first part of our stay at Atlantic Beach Campground in Fort Clinch State Park was in my last post, link in blue above.  Most of the beach pictures are in that post.  This is the second and last from Fort Clinch.

Our days here were mostly cloudy with highs in the mid 70’s and lows in the mid 50’s. With some rain and frequent wind it wasn’t a great weather stay but still a huge improvement over the lows in the 30’s where we were.

Sun rises weren’t often visible sadly.  The above is about the best we had in the 12 days.  But the skies were great.

Still I enjoyed a walk on the beach nearly every day.  I love the way the light shines on the water even on cloudy and overcast days.


A few interesting finds on the beach and one off shore.  I like that the feather and the shell were all alone on very different looking sand.




Off shore on a lovely day I see a picturesque sailboat and wonder if he’s a full timer or just on a vacation traveling the coastline.




During the late fall, especially after the’ throw the clocks back for no good reason time change’, the sunrises are late in the morning, at least for we morning folks and the sunsets are early for most eveyrone.   Sunrise is heading toward 7am and sunset is back up toward 5:20 pm making for only about 10 hours of day light.   I liked the skies on this evening when I was looking west coming back the boardwalk from the beach.

On two different days I took a hike in the maritime forest.  There are lots of pine trees making a lovely soft carpet of needles in the shady canopy.


Fallen limbs provide support for beautiful fungi. 


Pretty sure this is one of the many variations of Turkey Tail Fungus.


Not sure if this is a black polypore bracket but it’s a terrific chocolate color.



I was lucky enough to see some old growth forest in the Great Smoky Mountains this summer.  Somehow I’m always surprised to see that Floridatoo  has its own big trees.  Here they are mostly beautiful Live Oaks.


I climb up and down eastern Florida’s version of hills.


Live Oaks in the canopy are very hard to photograph.  There is no way to get a sense of the enormous spread of the branches.  I’m told the roots of the tree not only go down but out to the edge of the drip line.   This is the best I could do and it still does not show the complete canopy of this wonderful Live Oak at the intersection of the road to the River Campground and the main road to the fort.


We spent some time on chores as well.  David changes a battery on our TPMS system which we really like.  Just plug it in and it tells us the pressure of all 6 of Winnona’s tires and Ruby’s 4 as well.   SO much easier than using a tire gague on 10 tires.


On Sunday as we are packing up to move further south we hear engines in the sky and see three people pairasailing over the palms and by the moon which has not yet set.



This one looks like he is skimming the top of the river or the sea oats.


They are fun to watch so close but the noise isn’t so great.  Like hot air balloons, I think the noise would really affect my enjoyment of this sort of air travel.


We’ll miss this view out our front window but we’ve got an even better one coming up if you can believe that.  Our life has its challenges but we’re lucky to be able to be where we are and away from the cold of winter.



  1. I have never tried parasailing. I wouldn't mind having a go at it.

    Your shots of the sea are my favourites here.

    For comparison, here today the sun came up at 7:28 and set at 4:20. Still more of that to come for the next couple of weeks before it slowly starts going the other way.

  2. Good call on the TPMS system. One thing to make life easier (but not on the wallet!). ;c)

  3. I agree with you, taking a picture of those live oak trees with spanish moss draping all over it is difficult. We had been dealing with rain/cold since we arrived in Savannah and I cant wait to be camped near the ocean! In a week we will be in Florida woohoo!

  4. Our TPMS has saved us a few times. Love the Live Oaks, have to check out the coastal oak down here before we leave. sure can't beat the view out your windshield.

  5. Such a treat to find small treasures in the changing sand. And to have a forest to visit as well! The turkey fungus is really something. I know what you mean about capturing the size of those old oaks - their spread is crazy! You got caught up fast :-)))

  6. I think the huge live oaks are among my favorite things about Florida. Reminds me of hanging out in a parking lot in Ocala while Bel went into the bank. That live oak canopy covered most of the huge parking lot and half a city block. I am so looking forward to February and what Mo says will be our last trip to Florida in the MoHo, with the kayaks.

  7. I love those enormous, ancient live oaks dripping with Spanish moss—and yes, they are so challenging to photograph! They are such strong, beautiful trees, able to withstand the intensity of hurricanes. My parents lose pine trees here and there in storms, but never live oaks.
    You always seem to find sites with the most beautiful views.

  8. Great pictures of what you can find when you can get out side in nature where you are!

  9. Although I think the time change is just stupid, I do like the fact that sunrise is later and I even see a few. Not as many as you do of course. I've always wanted to try hang gliding but nothing with a motor sound. Those giant oaks are magnificent.

  10. Our batteries have been off and on our TPMS system. George is trying to decide whether to change them, or buy another system. Always love your beach pics!

  11. Beautiful beach and maritime pictures. I know you miss that view ❤


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