This morning the rocks

Thursday June 30, 2011
After walking the Fairyland Trail
Bryce Canyon National Park


This morning
the rocks spoke of the long slow
knowing that happens over time


first there is some little thing, a crack
the size of a hair,
maybe as fine as frog hair even
and then some water finds that crack
fitting itself just so, it settles and freezes


later, after the ice has returned to water
and left the crack, some lichen moves in
bringing living air space into the place that
so recently seemed rock solid and boulder


one day a great chunk falls out
and it feels lighter now
whole mountains come down this way,
slowly over time

Anne Benvenuti


PS.  Fairyland Blog coming “Maybe” later today.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice poem - just like you to fit one into the blog :)


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