Beach Entertainment

Wednesday January 25, 2012
Oscar Scherer State Park Site #95

It’s moving day again!

One of the unfortunate parts of not making
reservations or not making them early enough
is that you often can’t stay as long as you’d like
in Florida State Parks.

I want to stay a week at Oscar Scherer but
the folks at the entrance don’t do any
reservations at all.  Everything is done at
Reserve America.   So all they can say is
”check on line”.

Therefore, I end up with two days in site 24
and 2 days in site 95 and despite checking
every single day for openings for Friday and
Saturday, no luck.  
Guess it will be 4 days only until next year.

So this morning we move around the corner
to a site on the water.
Hoo Ray!!!

We pull Winnona nose in to give her a good view
of the water not the road.

Oscar Scherer 007

Can you see David’s red kayak beyond the picnic table?

It’s  our own private South Creek kayak put in!

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Because we only have to move from site A to Site B, we can
just ride the bikes down and tow the kayaks.
But because we have to wait for the folks in site 95
to leave their site (check out 1:00), we aren’t
completely moved until almost 2:00.

But that is in time to grab some lunch and
head off to Venice Beach!

Winnona is just down the road from the beach!

Remember this is Venice Beach Florida not California.
And lucky for me.
Here there are no parking meters, all public parking
and the beach is lovely and not too crowded.


I can see the shells making the sand.
I’ve never walked on a shell beach before.
It seems sacrilegious.  I want to watch my step.
But I can’t.  There is no where else to step.

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So I just sit down,
for a little bit.


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But soon I can’t resist.
I HAVE to put my feet in that Gulf water in JANUARY!!


I walk back wondering, is David looking at Dolphins??  

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Such glorious days make my heart sing.

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We are entertained for a while by the 4 Marx Brothers.


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Zeppo & Harpo
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They were joined by their
clown friend -  the black skimmer.


And then we hear the drum.
Just one, just faintly.
But soon, more, and louder.

We turn around to see who it is and
find a circle of people and drums.
How did they all slip in behind us?
I go up to take a look.


There are drummers of all kinds

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Take note golfers, if the game gets too expensive…..

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and show offs doing I’m not sure what

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and belly dancers


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They are drumming down the sun!


They drum an dance for well over an hour
and then A big cheer and lots of clapping start as it
slips beneath the horizon.

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Wonder what they do on the Solstices and Equinoxes?
I guess I’ll just have to come back and find out.
But next time I’ll make a LONG reservation so I don’t have
to move first.



  1. But I was looking at birds too dear, promise.

  2. Your Blog has inspired me to try Florida next year. Great Job

    Just BS!(Bob and Sue)

  3. Hmmm..what a cool ceremony. I've been on Carmel (CA) beach with champagne, applauding the sunset...but I doubt they'd allow drumming. :-)

  4. What a NEAT beach, it makes my heart sing too!!

  5. Oops...David's busted! Drumming the sunset. I've never heard of that before.

  6. Oh to be at the beach.....that is where I feel the most "peace"! And I agree with you about stepping on shells!

  7. Gorgeous place! Jealous!

  8. With a beach like that nearby the move would be worth it ... and now you know you want a longer rezzie for next year.

  9. What a shame you have to leave such a gorgeous place! I hate those reservations too, but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

  10. I'm sure David was just keeping his eyes on you and only you!

    It's so nice to see how much fun you're having and capturing in photos all the interesting dolphins, I mean birds that are around... ;c)

  11. Well, that was certainly an interesting ceremony!?!? Love the sunset photo!!!

    I am missing the beach and water!!

  12. I love any sunset celebration. I am sure David was mostly watching birds.

  13. Wow. I don't think that I have visited a beach with so many shells. Amazing. I know that you enjoyed the drumming, Sherry. How fun! I'm still jealous . . .


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