Moving on to Oscar Scherer

Monday January 23, 2012
Oscar Scherer State Park   Site 24


This is definitely my kind of move.

We take our time preparing for our big move today.

I go out power walking this morning
to the strains of Nancy Mills’
4.0 miles an hour walking music.  
Thanks Nancy.

Check out time is 1:00.  We leave at 12:30
for our 30 mile drive from Myakka State Park
Southeast to Oscar Scherer State Park.  


Those who read this blog, even 
occasionally, have probably heard me lament
over having to drive more than about 125 miles a
day.  So you know I am thrilled with this trip.


A hop, skip and a jump and here we are!

Oscar Scherer is a wonderful oasis in
the midst of a rapidly developing south Florida
gulf coast.

It has my kind of sites.



After getting minimally set up in site 24
(read that water, electric, level)
we set out to
take a walk on the South Creek Trail.


On the way to the trail head ,
we pass the “swimming hole”


Sunday 134


Alligator sign


But I don’t see even one of either species swimming.


The South Creek Trail is a lovely, leisurely
afternoon stroll.

Just what you want after a LONG drive.
The winding path goes through the scrub forest
and along the river.  There are bridges and overlooks.

There are benches with beautiful views for quiet listening






There are huggable pines.


Oscar Scherer (6) 


We come across the boat dock and interesting
kayak storage  racks.   I wonder if the state had
some left over materials and was looking for
a new use for them.  David is looking too.

Oscar Scherer (19)

The canoe rack is easier to figure out.
An Eagle Scout (and friends no doubt) had taken
a piece of abandoned railroad track and set it up.
No small job me thinks.

Oscar Scherer (18)P1010815


This is the only guy we see all afternoon
and he makes not a sound.
Maybe tomorrow
we’ll see the scrub jay for which the park is noted.


Oscar Scherer (16)


I do so love the quiet of Nature’s forests and streams.

The walk is a wonderful introduction to this park.
I think I’m going to like it here.



  1. There sure are some nice parks in Florida. I think the kayak storage was pretty clever :)

  2. Swimming with the alligators...I think I'll pass.

  3. Whew! I'm exhausted just thinking about that loooong drive you made. Rest up now. ;-)

  4. Lovely, lovely, lovely . . . except those gators. Be careful! :-)

  5. Another great park for camping.

  6. Yes, that is 'Our' kind of campground. Just love all that nature!!

    Can't wait to see more of that beautiful place!!

  7. We have heard such good things about Oscar Sherer and have added to that our "list"! Don't you just love those short travel days? We've had a few and really like it!

  8. Another great park to relax in. Love it!

  9. we are not far from you now... we will be heading your way some time next week to check out venice

  10. Winnona looks very happy there...and so do you and the tree hugger.

  11. I'm thinking that swimming with alligators is like dancing with wolves. :)

  12. At first glance I thought David was trying to figure out how to sight through some fancy quadnocular.

    Tell him to wait until tonight and look north. Maybe he'll catch a glimpse of the Aurora Borealis!

  13. Hope David doesn't wear himself out hugging all those trees and not have enough strength left to hug you!

  14. Good pictures - glad you didn't choose to swim with the alligators!! Looks like your sort of place :) I know how dad loves to hug trees.


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