Blue Spring Afternoon

Sunday March 4, 2012
Blue Spring State Park Site 41


  We knew this was going to be a rainy day.


The rain actually started about 9:00 last night and was really pouring in the early morning hours.  The wake up temperature was 43 degrees after a high of 88 yesterday.   45 degree drop over night.  Kind of shocking.

Blue Spring Day 2 001


Not sure what it was about the rain and temperature drop that put David in the cleaning mode but it’s such a rare thing I thought I’d better post it. J He said I took the picture to make his butt look bigger since I’ve been remarking that with the weight loss he’s lost his butt.  But actually I posted it to show how good he is feeling.   He actually vacuumed the carpets AND hand mopped all the floors.   Took about 20 minutes.  LOL


So with the rain and all that activity, it wasn’t until afternoon that we were able to get back outside.  We walked back over to the spring to see if the cooler temperatures had persuaded any manatee to come into the run.  But it hadn’t.  So we decided with the temperatures not warm enough to tempt even me to go swimming in the spring waters, we’d try out the Pine Island Trail.


Blue Spring Day 2 008


Blue Spring Day 2 009




Under normal circumstances, a 9 mile hike in flat territory would be a go but in this situation we thought we’d just hike for a while and see.  Not far down the trail we found these remains.  Possum we thought.  They blended in so well that we almost didn’t see them.


Blue Spring Day 2 011



The first section of the trail was really lovely.  What they call the “original Florida”

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Blue Spring Day 2 030 


That dead ended into some sort of sandy road that went on and on and on and on and seemed to be going nowhere.  This isn’t what I call a hike.   David didn’t notice so much since he was talking to his namesake nephew David Jeffrey on the phone.  I never bring my phone on hikes so I guess that’s why no one called to distract me.


Blue Spring Day 2 014


But I got tired of road hiking and decided it wasn’t worth 9 miles of this or even 4 miles of this.   So we turned around and when we got back to the “real Florida” trail, we stopped for a bite to eat.

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This was our live wildlife sighting on the trail.


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But David also spotted these two favorites – BIG TREES

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Tree hugger still in action.

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We closed out the afternoon with another manatee check at the point where the river meets the spring run.  No luck but still a nicer day than we’d thought we would have for our last one at Blue Spring.

Blue Spring Day 2 031


Tomorrow it’s back to Lithia Spring and treatment round #2.  But we definitely have to come back here for a swim in the lovely Spring.  It’s much more natural than Lithia which is more “developed”.


  1. Very good pictures, but evidently the one of David's butt didn't show up on my screen. Dang!

  2. Now that is dedication. If I was just feeling better, I do not think cleaning would be the first thing on my list:)

  3. WONDERFUL to see him feeling so good and engaging in such a worthy activity. It's "worthy" when someone else is doing it, and "pointless" when it's my turn.

    Funny how things become normal. I'm reading about your rain and thinking Rain? That's so weird, rain. And, I grew up in Florida.

  4. Sorry you can find any Manatees. But glad you are out and about. Nice to know David is feeling well and you are seeing to it that he doesn't forget how to clean;o))

    Hope round two is a more hicc......I'm not going to say it!!

  5. I know you're well into round 2 by now. Hope it's going better and you'll soon be back to take that lovely swim!

  6. Nothing sexier than a man down on his hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen!! David, you must really be feeling better... or the rain just limited all the outdoor activities! Love the wildlife shot - pretty bright green lizard. Hoping this round 2 will be easier on David than round #1 was... no more hiccups... let's not even mention them! Enjoy the sunshine for us... we are getting a little... occasionally.

  7. No hiccups, I hope, from the second round. Hope it's all going well and you'll get to take another vacation from treatments soon.

  8. Bet the Gulf is really warm and that's why the manatees aren't inland. I think 68 degrees is the temp that brings them inland. Heck, the water on the Atlantic side is 74 degrees! We can't find any manatees by the power plants, either. Nice butt, David, even if it is skinny!

  9. Come on, tell the truth!

    You made David scrub Winnona clean as punishment for checking out those bikini bottoms the other day. ;c)

  10. Haha, what Paul said :-) You know David is feeling better when he scrubs the floor!

  11. Great to see David is feeling so well. Fingers crossed that his second round of treatment goes much better!

  12. Nice work on the cleaning, Dad! Nice pictures in this post - especially the lizard.


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