Days at Lithia Springs

Monday-Wednesday  March 5-March 7, 2012
Lithia Springs Park Site 23


I am determined to get caught up on this blog.

 At least for a while, Winnona’s “current location” will be where we actually are at this moment.  I know it gets quite confusing for some folks and I don’t get the kinds of good advice about what to do in the area if I’m gone before you find out I was there.  LOL

On Monday we returned to Lithia Springs.

Since we have been here before, we know just which sites we like.  Our preferred site was taken so we chose one of David’s favorites, spacious site 23.  I wish I had a wide angle lens to show you HOW BIG this site really is.


Site #23 #01


Out the window I saw one of our neighbors.

Return to Lithia Springs 004


So I thought I’d go out and introduce myself.

Return to Lithia Springs 014



Return to Lithia Springs 007 



She seemed glad to meet me.






She had some other friends including one who had what I thought looked like a Panda face.


Return to Lithia Springs 036


Return to Lithia Springs 034



On Tuesday, David went in for the start of treatment round #2. 


Everything went fine and he had no side effects other than the nap he took when he came back and later the energy boost he seems to get from the Dexamethazone. 


Site #23 #23



While he was gone, I was sitting here working on the Blue Spring blog post.







All of a sudden this guy dropped off the awning onto my keyboard. 


Site #23 #07


I put my hand down and he cooperative walked up on my thumb so I could get a closer look.  He’s a really small guy.  Looks like he’s toting something around on his back.


Site #23 #09A


Site #23 #11


If you know who he is let me know. I hope he isn’t a bad guy because I put him over on a tree.  I wonder if you can even spot him.


Site #23 #14


We spent the rest of the day outside in the PERFECT weather just noodling around.   High 81, lo 43.  Listening to the birds and squirrels, we heard some pretty strange sounds but couldn’t find the vocalizers to take a look.


On Wednesday I went running around the park. 


I ran 4.7 miles through the lower campground, by the spring, through the picnic area, up to the gate and back through the upper campground  THREE times.   Good thing it’s a lovely park and fun to look at all the different rigs in all the different sites.  There are every kind from popups and vans to Class A’s and 5th wheels.  Quite a few tents here as well.  I am always glad to see them.  They bring back memories from my many many years of car camping with a tent and backpacking into all  kinds of great places.


Again, a perfect day that we spent doing who knows what.  I did arrange for our next “vacation”.  We’ll be going up to Manatee Springs State Park for the week off.  We’ll get down to Cedar Key for some kayaking so I hope we can meet up with Dan and Tricia who are there for the month of March I think.


Probably the most news worthy thing that happened today was that David cut my hair.  I like my hair long.  I had thought I’d grow it VERY long and have a braid down my back as I’ve done in the past.  But it’s just too darn much trouble and getting too hot,  So



Haircut 004


The initial bobbing

Haircut 012


Too bad Locks of Love won’t take 6” pieces.  No idea what to do with this pile of hair.  Maybe the birds can use it for nesting material.  It is Spring after all.

Haircut 008


The bob before Flowbee

Haircut 006


The finished product

Haircut 007


Here’s the Master hairdresser putting away his Flowbee tool.

Haircut 041


Definitely a man of MANY talents.


  1. You can say that again ... and very courageous of you (unless you've had prior experience with this hairdresser). Glad to hear David's feeling well.

  2. Wow, nice haircut! I had to google Flowbee - never heard of that before.

  3. Thanks for the compliments you two.

    Laurie you are so right, I should have put a link on Flowbee. So for others who don't know, here it is.

    We have the one with the mini vac which is what David is putting away in the blog picture. Much easier than using your vacuum.

    (anybody know how to make a link work in blogger comments???)

  4. Great haircut!
    We, too, bought a Flowbee after your demonstration at last years rally :) Love it! I do my own and I do Rick's too. It's the perfect tool.

  5. Great hair cut! You will enjoy the shorter hair once the heat gets here. Speaking of hair, when we saw you last year you said you hadn't seen Dave with hair. I found my old yearbook so I am going to try and take pictures of the pictures and send them to his Facebook So watch for them Soooo long ago

  6. Hey, good, good news that David is tolerating this round well.

    Here's the link:

    Hopefully, this works:
    Flowbee! just with no spaces except the "a" and the "href".

    But, what I started to say was, we use a Robocut! Doesn't it do a good job? We love ours, and also use the mini-vac model. Annie does hers all one length, and I have three lengths, but easily done.

  7. Karen, I've seen pictures of him in HS and college. I just meant I've never known him with hair. I've also never known anyone who called him Dave.

    Rox - you smart fox. How come I can't do it???

  8. Cows really add to the wildlife experiences. Long hair is way to hot when the humidity kicks up a notch.

  9. Nice haircut! We bought a Flowbee too, so now Mike is my personal hairdresser. He does a good job, and it saves a bunch of money!

  10. Cute! I like it! Gonna check out this Flowbee thing. I remember hearing about it.

  11. I like the haircut!!! That was one dilema when 'on the road' where to get the hair cut, have been to some VERY interesting places. Would be GREAT to have your own hair dresser with you. Certainly a man of many talents :)

  12. Oooo I like your new "do". I don't know that I would want my husband to cut my hair. But it would save me a lot of money.... hmmm I my think about this. ;)

  13. Well, I had to read all the way back to February 28/29, but I'm caught up! Your beautiful beach pictures are making me long for vacation and also made me realize that I definitely have to see the ocean this summer if only for a weekend at Virginia Beach. I'm like you, Sherry. I love the waves as well as sitting on the beach, but I must admit that I've never covered up tire tracks. I'm still stunned that you let David cut your hair, Sherry, and just as stunned, David, that you were willing to do it! More soon. Thanks again for this lovely blog.

  14. The cute little cows..cracked me up!

    You are a brave one letting David use flowbee on you. I have short hair, so it would be easier to use on me too, but....gotta get the courage up! I use clippers on George, his is easy :)

  15. Dan has been using a Flowbee for umpteen years and, after a working demonstration by Gin, he now cuts my hair with it! Will email you about kayaking in Cedar Key! Looking forward to seeing you guys. BTW - love the cow pics!

  16. I LOVE the new hairdo!! Of course, I am a SHORT hair lover. Just too easy and comfortable when you are doing all the outdoor stuff you love to do.

    Haven't got a flowbee yet. Not sure I can do it myself and really not brave enough to let Bill get near my head with a sharp object!!

  17. Looks like you are having a nice peaceful visit. What a loving big site you have, that is our kind of place for sure. You are braver than me, I wouldn't be letting Kevin cut my hair!

    Glad David's second treatment went well.

    Kevin and Ruth

  18. I'm seeing a money making opportunity on the road with David's hair cutting talents.

    He did a great job and you look like a million dollar baby. :c)

  19. Sorry the demo didn't work. I was trying to show how to do it, not just flaunt my linky superpowers, but Blogger assumed I needed help and turned it into html anyway.


  20. I'm the 20th person to comment and say - nice haircut!! It really is short - that's perfect for the florida heat!! Give Dad a high five for that one. Nice wildlife pictures too :)


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