Day +22 – line out; another step

Tuesday August  7, 2012
Quail Run RV Resort Lot 15
Wesley Chapel, FL  33544


I’m out before the sun is up today to run my miles.  I have a deadline to meet.  I have to run, stretch, exercise, shower, have breakfast and leave for Moffitt by 9:15.   Whew……..  I made it.

We are actually early for David’s 10:00 appointment at the BMT Blood draw clinic.   That takes about 15 minutes.  Then we wait for an hour to see the doctor.  Only we don’t see the doctor, we don’t even see the PA.  Today we see the Chinese Nurse Practitioner from whom we learn nothing.   It seems the less sick you are the less likely you are to see an actual doctor who knows anything about you as an individual.   Why are we seeing her anyway as the blood results aren’t available until long after we are gone from that office so whatever she has to say is based on last week’s results.   Oh well……..

She does suggest that he reconsider napping in light of having trouble sleeping and only do that if he REALLY thinks he needs it. 

The major reason for even coming over is to get his central line removed.  This takes another 15 minutes but by the time we leave, we have been at Moffitt 4 hours for these two 15 minute necessaries and the 30 minute unnecessary NP visit.   There goes most of the day.

But here’s his new look.  He’s very happy with it and will be even happier on Thursday when he can take off that big bandage and go to a band aid.  Great to have no more dangling ports.  MUCH easier to take a shower.  One more step toward “normal”.


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We ask about driving, Ms NP doesn’t know so she leaves to ask the PA and is gone about 15 minutes.  She returns to say it’s up to you if you feel competent.  OK then, won’t be long before it’s time to schedule a student driver session.  LOL!!   He’ll be back behind the wheel if all goes well.


While I’m waiting around for all these medical things at Moffitt and even before we get there, starting about 9:30 am, Carrie calls with her computer problems.  Her laptop won’t connect to her own DSL.  First it does, then it doesn’t.  She goes to the library.  Won’t connect there.  She goes to Starbucks. Works there.  But not at McDonalds.  Finally she breaks down and calls her DSL provider who will send someone out tomorrow to look at the line.   She then calls Dell with whom she wisely has a 3 year warranty.  While she’s working with them, the machine crashes. They think she has hard drive troubles and are sending her a new one.   She’s an unhappy camper having to deal with all these technical issues and calls about once an hour until dinner time with the latest update and her frustration with them.   I tell her she can fly down here and we’ll help her with it.  LOL!!!   But in the end, she has all kinds of things scheduled to happen tomorrow.


I waited to post this blog in order to have the blood numbers.  We forgot to go back up to BMT and get them printed out.  We’ve been looking on line for them but they won’t show up until some medical higher up signs off on them so who knows when that will be.  I am VERY anxious to know if his WBC has turned back upward.  After 24 hours they still aren’t posted so it’s time to start calling someone.  Guess we know better now than to leave the building without them.   David calls Dr. Alsina’s assistant who gives him the 3 numbers we are most interested in.  So now I have the chart to post and as you can see the whites are down even further, the platelets are GREAT and the hemoglobin is plodding along with quite a ways to go yet.


Day  23


We get home around 3:00 after a quick stop at the grocery store.  Since it has been an all medical day so far, why not keep it up and try to work out all the insurance issues around the eye doctor visits I’ve had to have over the past 6 months.  I need to get them straight so I can have my eyes examined and get a new pair of glasses.  Some sort of coating they put on the lenses is coming off apparently and it’s really making my vision “cloudy”.  Not good for the designated driver.   I can wear my contacts but they are mostly for distance and when I’m inside the RV with them in, I can’t see anything up close.   Geeze Louise these eye changes are such a bother.


I call the eye doctor to see how they submitted the claims that are not being paid.  Pretty sure this is a “code” problem.  Then, while I work on dinner, David calls Medicare to see why they wouldn’t pay them.   That’s an ice pack over his shoulder to keep the swelling down from the line removal.


All this would have been unnecessary under a single payer system. The military has one, the congress has one, Medicare is one and I don’t know anyone who isn’t going to sign up for Medicare or thinks it should be eliminated.  So what is all this concern about socialism anyway?  Just give me the same plan that Congress has FOR LIFE and I’ll be as unwilling to change as they are.   SIGH…………….


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I fix spinach stuffed baked potatoes and a mushroom sauce to go over them for dinner.  You can eat them with or without the sauce. Declared delicious by all two of us.


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David is feeling pretty good today.  He says on a scale of 1 to 10 he’d grade it a 7.   He took THREE walks, did the spirometer and had NO naps.   I think he’s a pretty hard grader.  He’s seemed closer to his usual self.    But we’ll see tomorrow if he overdid.

As for that spirometer, I tried it today and boy am I impressed.  That thing is HARD.  I can’t get it above 2150 and he can get it all the way to the top 2600 at least one or more out of ten times.   Sheesh, I’m going to have to practice.  I think he’s learned how to expand his diaphragm or something.


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I’ll close with my latest ‘wish we hadn’t had to spend the summer in Florida’ idea.  The Good Luck Ducks sent me a postcard of a favorite place of mine on the Grand Canyon South Rim, Mary Elizabeth Jane Colter’s Watchtower.   I have the card on my mirror to remind me of the places I will go to or will return to next summer and the summer after that.. 

SO if you are in a place this summer where I’d rather be – color that JUST about anywhere unless it’s as hot as Florida – you too could make my mirror wall (an infamous distinction) by sending a gorgeous postcard of your place to

Sherry Boyd
6946 Old Pasco Road  Lot 15
Wesley Chapel, Florida  33544

Do your part to help amuse the bored.  J
I’ll post updates of the mirror from time to time.

Thanks Ducks for your inspiration!!

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  1. Sherry, careful with the spirometer - think I see your eyes crossing, girl! ;)

  2. Let's are stuck in Florida with heat, humidity and rain. We are stuck i Indiana with heat, humidity and drought. None of us want to be in our locations. Here's the the summers ahead and being where we desire.

  3. Carolyn seems to be in the best location in the NW of Washington State. I came back from the mountains too soon as we are now in a week of triple digits! Oh how I hate hot weather!

    You saw the Chinese NP so that the medical system can bill for the visit. This is why medical costs have risen so drastically - doctors & hospitals do and charge for completely unnecessary tests & visits. I had a PAPS test last year and the doc said "Come back in 2 wks and we'll go over the results of the test" HUH? I've always been sent a letter telling me everything is normal so what's to "go over". Needless to say I didn't go back and will never have another PAPS test!

  4. Trust me, you do not want to be in the DC area ... will be glad to see the back of this miserable weather.

  5. Sherry, I'd gladly send you a postcard, but I'm in Georgia which is the same as being in Florida only north. :( I used to send a postcard to each of my grandkids and my daughter every day when Rich and I traveled. It made each of them a nice diary of our trip. I'm amazed when I look at them. :) The kids just loved getting them. The reminded me of the baseball cards my brother used to collect. Funny, I can't remember something that happened an hour ago, but when I see a picture or a post card, I can remember what I was thinking or what we were saying years ago.

    I guess they are not providing you with a reason for the WBC count or what it means. Maybe it just takes a while and is normal. David looks wonderful, and I'm sure he is VERY happy to get rid of the port. My little niece still has hers.

    Sorry about Carrie's computer problems; I know how frustrating that is. You're right, it's good she has the warrantee.

    Looks like we may get some rain, today, here. You continue to amaze me with your morning routines--I'm still in my pj's. Better get moving. Sometimes I wonder what I did with my time before the computer!!

  6. Alright! Now that gives me something to do tomorrow while putting in another day at the VC. Pea Island will be coming your way shortly. :)

  7. What you say about single payer healthcare ... amen!

    Dinner looks yummy! Is the mushroom sauce made with cashews?

  8. Sure wish we had bought an extra post card a couple weeks ago when we were in Niagara so we could send it your way. Sevierville isn't quite as nice as the Falls but it's on our way to the parents. Good to see David up and about to drive. Also nice to see that Dell is sending Carrie a new hard drive.

  9. It's nice to be back in the land of Internet! David congrats on getting rid of the central line! That's a huge step in getting back to normal life!!! :-)) hope the white count starts its upward move soon! Sherry that was some good looking food! You can cook for me anytime!


  10. Whohoo on the numbers. We moved today to western KY. If I can remember to get postcard stamps (which is a big if!!), I'll be more than happy to get a postcard to you!

  11. Another Hear! Hear! to the single-payer.

    And, can I get a WHAT WHAT on the mushroom sauce? That was delicious on the alfredo you featured recently. It makes me happy to have vegan comfort food.

  12. You're right about the health insurance debate. Haven't met a senior citizen yet who wants to give up their Medicare.
    Hope it was another good day for David today.

  13. Wow - okay to drive, feel like 7 out of 10, no more dangling tubes. Sounds like a pretty good day to me. Very happy to be watching this recovery. I don't think it's been much hotter in Fla than here in MD. But, can't say I'd rather be in Fla.


  14. postcards from this spot. We're getting sick of this view as well. I can send you a fall postcard from SD in October! :-)
    David is looking fantastic. I'm sure he is very happy to have his central line out.

  15. Sorry, no post cards here... Can't find one of thunderstorms... Oh yea, you have your own;o(( But sure is good to see David and you looking good. Hard to believe his recovery is going this quickly.... Hasn't been a month and he is ready to drive!!! Yep, normal is not that far away!!!

  16. Another AMEN to single payer healthcare!

  17. Post card will be on its way tomorrow from gorgeous Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia Canada (as soon as we arrive there) glad to see the port is gone!,,so happy to see David is now a 7/10 summer you will be somewhere great together...

  18. I'm with you, we should have the bennies Congress has, including the ability to vote ourselves a pay raise! ;c)

    David is amazing how well he is bouncing back, slow but sure. Even if he had to sit at Moffit for four hours for 15 minutes of care. Moffit must be tacking lessons from the military... :cO

  19. SO happy that the port is out. Terrific news!

    In other news, if you haven't heard the latest from here, go to Never a dull moment! Thinking of you!

  20. Goodbye, central line! Who would have ever thought I could get so excited about a central line "exit".... I know this makes showering so much easier. and it is a step forward. Now if you could just stop these "meetings" with Moffitt! Seriously, just so happy to hear that David is feeling a 7 out of 10. We still have "Porch Kitty." None of my attempts to find her a home have worked. I can see why the shelters are so full. I will keep trying... she is a very sweet kitty. I look forward to hearing that you are seeing Florida in the rear view mirror as you cross the border to more exciting adventures. You are both on our minds and in our prayers every single day.

  21. Didn't the chinese dr help at all? No herbs? Do you want the white cell count low???
    Did he stay up all day with out the nap???? That is probably why he can't sleep in the PM, to many naps, keep him busy.

  22. Great news that the central line is out!!

    We're bored with our view too. Hoping that will be changing soon.

  23. So glad to hear that Dave is doing so well, hope it keeps up and that you can get out of Florida and explore a little. Love your idea for the postcards. We will try and find one to send to you.

    Kevin and Ruth

  24. More progress for Uncle Dave - this is great! Baby steps, but a 7 out of 10 isn't bad. He is certainly a real trouper...

    That potato with mushroom sauce looks delicious!!!!

    Ummm, you don't want me to send a postcard to go on your infamous mirror wall (wait, is it your mirror wall that's infamous or would that be ME if i sent a worthy picture!?!?), because where I just came from is not somewhere you want to go. ;) In all seriousness though, there were some very quaint little towns with a lot of wineries along the way in Missouri. I didn't get to see much of it though, just heard stories from the poor folks that had to follow us down the river and tend to our needs 24/7, but I saw pics and heard stories.

    Keep up the good work, both of you. So glad to read good reports!

    Love -

  25. So glad the central line is gone - really hoping it won't scar too badly! Also glad Dad feels much better and that the food you're eating is excellent. I am not glad that you're bored and if I can find a postcard out here at the northern edge of Corolla, I'll be making that mirror!! ;)

  26. And how long will you be at this address, girl?


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