Day +23 – beat the heat agenda

Wednesday August 8, 2012
Quail Run Lot 15
Wesley Chapel, Florida


Another slow morning.  I am up before sunrise but the sky is full of clouds.  No color but lots of humidity.  I stay outside anyway reading and writing.  David comes out and has some toast before his morning walk.


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Day  23 004 


I wave to Jo Beth and Catherine as they go by on their walk.  They come back later on the “cool down” with Grace who apparently likes to chase the Lizards on the lot next door.


I come in and do some yoga to keep my shoulder stretching out after Catherine’s great massage.  I prefer yoga outside but too hot and sticky today. 


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David is working on getting rid of some of the TONS of medical papers and information that have accumulated.  We may need to clean out a basement compartment to put it all in otherwise.


Day  23 038


In the afternoon the park’s mowing crew is out in force.  David isn’t allowed around dirt or mowing of any kind so we have to be inside and turn off the AC until they get well away from the coach. 

About 3:15 the showers show up and somehow between both of these things and the 92 degree temperature and extreme humidity, he does not get out for walk #2 of three today.   He does sneak in two naps.  The sitting straight up in the chair kind.   And he does blow the spirometer all the way to the top the majority of the 10 times.   I get to about 2150 and have decided that my lungs aren’t as big as his.  Isn’t that probable since he’s 5’ 10” and I’m 5’ 0”?   Well that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Today is not much other than a beat the heat day.  We are keeping  ourselves occupied with little things.  I make a cool salad for dinner and a second chocolate milk shake for David in order to get some weight back on him.  He’s not losing but he’s not gaining.  Between the two milkshakes there should be at least 1000 calories.   But what he really needs is about 3000 a day.  I don’t know how people who consume those many calories do that.  What must they be eating? 


Day  23 044


Pasco County Mosquito Control calls David to notify him that they will be spraying the park tonight sometime between 8:30 and Midnight.  We have asked to be notified before they come so that David can be inside and can have his mask handy.  We have to be ready to jump up and turn off the Air Conditioning and get David his mask at whatever time they come.  Not fun if it happens after 10:00 when he goes to bed.   Thank goodness he was not here the night they arrived at 12:05am and woke me up.  Scared me to death is more like it.  I was awake for a couple of hours after that.  This is the first time he’s been here for this spraying other than once just after we arrived at the park.  I sure wish we didn’t have to be anywhere they were spraying  but everywhere around here, all the counties spray.


We go out for an evening walk a tad early because of this and enjoy the lights and “decorations” in the older section of the park.  It seems to have all the stately old trees and most of the yard art.  I’m looking for the gator in the small pond but haven’t seen him yet.  Hope I do before they “remove” him.   I take a few shots of the newer section.  See if you can tell which ones are from there.



David has abdominal pain when he gets up to go for the walk but he goes anyway thinking he might walk it off.  No such luck. Normally he walks pretty slowly as you can imagine, and tonight he’s even slower than usual but he does 30 minutes.  Over all, he’s making slow and steady progress.  He still has the abdominal pain, the swelling feet, peripheral neuropathy and fatigue, fatigue, fatigue.  But then he’s been through a great deal these last 8 months and he’s just gotten out of the hospital 12 days ago.

Around 8:35 we hear the loud noise of the mosquito patrol from Pasco County driving up and down all the roads in the park.  David is watching the Olympics and I turn off the AC, he gets his mask.  Life has definitely changed for him. 


  1. Mosquito spraying - YUCK. I do NOT miss that.

    I have never thought about being vegan while trying to gain weight. I'm assuming David is getting in some dairy in his attempt? How would someone go about eating 3000 calories a day? I'm not even sure.

  2. So much to think about. You're right. Life has changed for both of you, but you're up and over the mountain and on your way down, now. The heat in Tampa would get to anyone--it's relentless--has been in Georgia this year, too.

    I think David will experience fewer and fewer of the residual side effects which combined with the heat must be an energy sapper. I have a friend who went through similar chemo and she told me the fatigue, for her, was the worst and unbearable. She had many of the side effects that David seems to have sidestepped. They were very unpleasant for her.

    If you get to a point where you're allowed to get away from Moffitt for a few weeks at a time, the state parks in southern and mid georgia are great in the fall and winter. I love to sit out in the sun with a jacket on and read a book--no bugs!!!

    It was great to see "mountains", today. I hope we can head out more into the country, tomorrow. It is still hot, but not like it was in Atlanta. I think a dry spell is coming through with less humidity. The humidity is what I can't take.

    I can't imagine what the paperwork must be. Mountains!

  3. Isn't it very uncomfortable to have to turn off the a/c? Can you turn it back on as soon as they are finished spraying?

  4. Nobody like the mosquito sprayer but we don't like the mosquitos either and with all the standing water in the summer it's the price we pay. Must get warm in Winnona when you turn the air off.

    Hope David has more energy, but his body has gone thru a lot .

    We were just by Quail run today. We had to go to babies r us to get a car seat for our new great granddaughter. So excited! We thought about stopping to see y'all and Karen but it was already getting dark and we hadn't called first. Maybe next time!

  5. hopefully it doesn't take them long to spray and David can abandon the mask and turn the a/c back on when its safe to do sure throws curve balls when you least expect it....sounds like David is doing super considering what his body has been thru for the last few both are definitely my heroes....I am so far behind in blog writing and reading...but I try to catch yours daily to see the updates...hopefully the abdominal pain is another side effect that will leave soon...praying you are both over the worst.....

  6. That salad looks yummy! It must be hard to find healthy, non-sugar (cancer loves sugar!) calories for David. My friend who had breast cancer and lost weight eats a vegetarian diet plus lots of avocados, nuts, olive oil, and 85% dark chocolate to boost her calories. Lots of healthy snacks between meals help too.

    By the way, are you a day behind?! LOL

  7. Sounds like your days are getting a little less stressful... the spraying for mosquitos notwithstanding.

    David's salad and shake look good. Some days it's so hot nothing sounds appetizing for dinner except for salad. A good way to add more calories to any salad is to add nuts or seeds, although there's only so much a person can eat at one time, haha. But when I come to think about it, when I was younger and running a lot I could pack in a lot more than 3000 calories in a day.

    I agree, more dark chocolate for David, and for you!

  8. We are hating the heat and humidity as well, but can't imagine having to turn off the A/C and still be inside the Motorhome!?!?! At least it is at night and not in the middle of the day!! I can't get over how tan David looks in his photo... You might think he's been on a Carribean Vacation ;o)) LOL Slow and steady wins the race...just keep pace you are headed in the right direction:o))

  9. After weeks and weeks of temps in the 90's and extreme humidity, it was 53 here this morning. What a shock when I went out to walk. After weeks and weeks of David's illness and your stress, you are going to wake up one day to find it all is just a memory!

  10. I hope 'Nan' is right...actually, I'm pretty sure Nan is right. This too shall pass and for awhile at least (hopefully a long while) life will be as normal and you can be on the road to see the sites again. That's what I'm hoping for! I want one of those chocolate shakes :) I'm glad they call to warn you about the spraying - I'm also glad it was later in the night when it isn't 'so' hot and you are forced to be without AC for awhile. Glad Dad's staying protected and growing stronger each day!

  11. Go online and see if you can find blogs or articles written by vegan athletes and bodybuilders, like Rick Roll (Absolute eye candy!) or Brendan Brazier. Those should have guidelines for vegan calorie loading.

    And Sherry, you should probably also wear a mask when they are spraying. That stuff is nasty for everyone.

  12. Let David eat that box of Almond Joys...that ought to give an extra calorie or two. Grin.
    Mosquito spraying isn't good for him. But then again, any disease carried by mosquitoes wouldn't be either. So I guess you take life as it comes.
    I'm so glad that you are both back home.

  13. Mosquito spraying is a necessary evil I guess but I sure wouldn't want to inhale the fumes of the chemicals they use. Keep on keepin' on!

  14. Spraying for mosquitoes is just a part of life in FL. We tent camped at Ft. Wilderness in Disney years ago and their mosquito spraying truck had been broken for a couple days. It was intolerable! They even bit us in the shower. The day the truck was fixed and they sprayed, the dead mosquitoes covered everything like a blanket. How anyone ever lived in FL before chemicals is beyond me.

  15. Oh, boy...I can tell you how to put weight on David, eat stuff like pasta, sauces, gravies, loaded baked potatoes, butter with butter and sour cream, pizza, lots of ice get the picture! But eating healthy has gotten David back to better health much more quickly than the typical American diet, so never mind.. :-) Hope you get to come up to Maine one of these days. We have seldom turned on the AC since we have been here a month!

  16. I wouldn't' be concerned with the spraying, my worry would be all the paperwork medical forms David has been going through.

    Along with the aggravation of all that paper work, he could get multiple paper cuts and bleed to death! ;c)

  17. David needs a big burger and fries to go with that milkshake :)

  18. Nice Warrior Pose.
    You two keep up all the good work.
    I’m an expert on gaining weight. Lots of cashews, peanut butter, avocadoes, real milk in mashed potatoes, pasta carbonara… it should be pretty easy to add 500 calories daily. I certainly find it no trouble ;))

  19. The mosquitoes seem to be very happy in Florida... we are so fortunate in Maryland in that we have very few (almost none) where we are... I assume it is the same in Charlottesville? Charlottesville is such a beautiful area with the mountains and the big trees. Tell David he better protect that chocolate shake or his big brother Roger will be down there to take it from him. Gastro upsets are the worst... just that alone saps energy... then add the heat... C'mon David... let's get some pounds on that lanky frame. Simon is packing up - leaving next Friday to start his drive back to school. He will be able to work up until noon on that Fri... trying to get some money to beef up his savings for the coming school year. He is excited about his "apartment " housing this year - 4 guys - kitchen, 2bedrooms, etc. Wonder how much cooking they will do? He will still buy a partial meal ticket from the university. The commentators above from Maine make me a tiny bit jealous... the perfect place to spend the summer... MAINE. Roger is diligently working to "tweak" the new fence... since Yoda figured out how to squeeze through already. I never would have thought he could fit through those bars! David... keep blowing that spirometer and taking those walks.. every little bit helps... and I know many times it must not be easy to put one foot in front of the other. Hugs to both....

  20. More carbs, they make you fat, corn fattens cows- sorry- I wish I could have milk shakes every day.- Why don't you bake more cookies too.

  21. You've certainly gotten many suggestions on how to put weight on David, but none of them would be a healthy way to do it. You both are such healthy eaters it would be a shame to "fall off that wagon". Have you thought about supplementing his meals with something like Ensure? Or one of the other high calorie dietary supplements. I "think" they're supposed to be nutritious.

  22. Thank you so much for sharing this blog publicly! I found it by researching Dr. Booth-Jones (we are scheduled to meet with her in two days). Very interesting and informative! My husband has MDS, and we have another bone marrow biopsy tomorrow to (hopefully) determine the blasts have decreased so that we can proceed with a stem cell transplant (24-year-old unknown male donor) later this month. Perhaps our paths will cross in the BMT! Thank you again for sharing this ... I will keep you and David in my thoughts and prayers!


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