Carrie’s Visit Saves a Boring Week

Charlottesville Virginia
Saturday October 12- Saturday Oct 19, 2013


Hands down the best thing that happened this week is Carrie’s visit.

She gets here on Friday night after work.  It’s about a 2 hour drive from her home in Maryland.
The sun comes out long enough on Saturday for us to go to the terrific Charlottesville Farmer’s market.   BUT, I forget to take my camera so these pictures are from her phone and she unfortunately is not in any of them.  Drat!
The peppers are as colorful as the autumn leaves. Fall raspberries, apples. blackberries and heirloom tomatoes look yummy.  Wonderful fall greens.  It all looks so delicious.

 Farmer's Market peppers


Carrie takes my picture chatting with my friend Maggie who makes the greatest beautiful and whimsical pottery.  Carrie loves the pig.


So many fresh greens from the organic farm Radical Roots.
Radical Roots 

The rest of the week-end flies by as we cook and eat and chat and play.
I really don’t do much with my camera.  I keep forgetting about it.  So the pictures from her visit are remarkably sparse.
Making biscuits

Sun to Sun Oct 13 to 20 003

Sun to Sun Oct 13 to 20 007

Carrie’s boyfriend Matthew joined her for the second day of her visit and too soon it is time for them to leave.  But we’ll see her again at Thanksgiving in Georgia we hope.


Most of the week is taken up with doctors and other appointments.

I have a doctor’s appointment every single day of the week and get through them all in good order.  No problems says the dentist, the dermatologist and after an adjustment for my back, my chiropractor.   
I went for my annual physical with no complaints except for a trigger thumb problem I’ve had for about 3 months now.  My doctor gives me a shot which I hope will work to keep it from snapping in and out of joint.  The pain from it is enough to make me jump straight up in the air so I have really altered how I use my right hand.  This means turning door knobs is very difficult, opening jars impossible and my handwriting has gone from bad to nearly unreadable since I am right handed.   On to happier things.

Fall is a beautiful time of year.
The mums are looking beautiful this fall.  But the colors of the trees are slow to come on and not as brilliant.  I think there has just been too much rain.  But I am enjoying them never the less.

Sun to Sun Oct 13 to 20 015Sun to Sun Oct 13 to 20 016

Winnona Wax & Pantry floor 033  

And I just love twilight time, that surreal glow that everything takes on is magical especially in a place you love.



I’ve had a lot of trouble with my last few posts getting them to appear in the blog rolls.  If any of you have had the same problem and found a solution please let me know.  I use Live Writer to post.


  1. Love the luscious fruits and vegies from the market. It's my favorite time of year.

    A visit from your daughter would brighten any day.

  2. We have wonderful farmers' markets here too, and I love seeing all the gorgeous produce. The trouble is that I want to buy more than I can use! Your trees have more color than anything in the west, but the flowers are beautiful. A 2-day visit from Carrie must have been great for all of you.

  3. Lots of colors in today's post. I've never used LiveWriter so can't help.

  4. What a great looking farmers market.... Boy I would have to make some blackberry scones for sure. Glad you had a chance to have a visit with Carrie. The picture of the house and sunset is awesome!!

  5. Just love fall! Like spring, it brings color back. So glad Carrie is there!

  6. That's a lovely, rosey glow picture of the farm porch!!!! What a pretty place, I imagine all sorts of stories of when you guys were 'farming'....

  7. Anneke had a trigger thumb and ended up with surgery that has solved the problem for at least six years.

  8. The farmers market looks great, not much at the ones we've been at, hopefully better ones in AZ. So glad you got some time with Carrie, when with family and friends I always forget to take pictures. Hope the shot helps your trigger thumb, must be a bit cold there since you're in long sleeves and pants. Only been in the 50's for highs and 20's for lows I'm ignoring the forecast for tonight into the morning. Love the picture of the front porch.

  9. How great to have a Carrie visit! She certainly brightened up your home. :c)

    Take care of that thumb and let it get lots of rest. You might need it to hitchhike if you break down on the road! ;c)

    I'm jealous of that great farmers market, those veggies looked incredible. Vegan heaven, for sure!

  10. Nice that Carrie came to visit. Love the golden glow at the farm.

    When I'm with people I tend to forget to take photos.

  11. This post really does scream FALL:o)) Wonderful colors and glows!! Carrie has the greatest smile and just brightens up a room!!!

  12. Much as I enjoyed all the Williamsburg posts, these simple "a day in the life of" posts are my favorite. How much fun having Carrie here for a short time and oh my, those lovely things at the market! Bill and I have talked about how we need to give Charlottesville a visit before to long. It's been a lot of years and we were so focused on doing the tourist things, we missed enjoying the city! Don't know when you plan to head south, but please don't pass through my town or area without a chance for us to meet. If it could work out, I believe meeting David would do Bill a world of good right now. Hope your road gets fixed soon so you can get Winona "home!"

  13. Yay! I made the blog :) You did well with what you had for pictures. The flower and sunset photos are lovely for sure and I'm glad the Doctor's apts went smoothly. I hope that thumb is better!!

  14. robinkwalton@gmail.comOctober 31, 2013 at 10:04 AM

    What a great array of photos..the beauty of this time of year. Yeah,I get to see Carrie and Matthew..she looks very happy. Your Right Sherry the picture of the house and sunset in the back what a georgeous shot. I wish I could have that photo. The pictures of the house brings lots of memories back. david you at the hoosier making pies,pancakes what not also brings yum yum moments
    Love you guys

  15. What a beautiful place to be in the Fall. Glad all your appointments went well.

  16. I'm not sure what you mean about getting your posts in the blogrolls. They show up in my dashboard.

  17. Love the photos of "home" and what a great picture of Carrie and Matthew.

  18. No matter where you roam, your pictures of home rival any travel photos you take. That last picture of the farm is outstanding.

    Yay to time with Carrie!!!

  19. It is true, Carrie's visit always brightens our days. Sure hoping your thumb problem resolves on its own, without the need for surgery. Really great Fall colors!

  20. Oh, how I've missed you blog, Sherry. Various reasons for abstaining, but one day I will catch up. I've gotten back to reading books since having the paperwhite kindle; then poof, the time is gone. Great Carrie got to visit--handsome fella she has there. So glad you and David are doing well (except for your thumb--hope that resolves itself). I left you up in Maine so I'll never run out of reading material!

  21. Did not know you could get fresh raspberries and blackberries this late in the season. We always hit berry season in August in the Northwest. I use Live Writer occasionally, and always with surprises when I publish. Like paragraphs being in different fonts!

    1. Lynda, if you see this, could you email me at


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