Maintenance Week

Charlottesville, Virginia
Sunday October 20 to Sunday October 27, 2013

I’m having a hard time with these recent blog posts.

I know it’s really already November 1st and I’m still behind.  But I’m getting caught up.  I’m finding these sitting still for a month posts hard to write.    We’ve seen a number of friends, have done all the doctor things, washed polished and waxed the coach now that our “campground” will allow it.   But none of that seems very interesting compared with our summer.   I’m having summer withdrawal I guess.  Especially with the temperatures here being in the 30’s at night.  Brrrrrrrrrr
The road is being repaired this week but now we are nearing the end of our stay here, we have too many things still on the list to spend time trimming the trees in order to move Winnona so the washing and waxing is done in town but at least it gets done finally.

Winnona Wax & Pantry floor 001

Sun to Sun Oct 13 to 20 022

Amazing how you discover one little thing after another that needs attention.

While polishing and waxing the coach, we discover this alignment problem.  David gets on the phone to the great Winnebago Tech staff and they sent detailed instructions for “whomever we get to fix it”.  Well that would be us. But we’ll wait until we install the MCD shades in the bedroom and do them both at the same time.  Assuming the shades get here in the next few days.  Something for next week’s post I suspect. 
Here’s the problem.  From the distant picture you can sort of see why we didn’t notice it.  Has anyone else ever experienced this with a slide?  If so please tell us your story.  We’re hoping this is not the start of a recurring problem.

Winnona Wax & Pantry floor 004

Winnona Wax & Pantry floor 006  

The slide isn’t the only thing we discover.


The bigger problem we weren’t expecting is one at the farm discovered when the 20 year old refrig decided it was time for the freezer to quit freezing.  Might have been a freon problem but when an appliance is that old, it’s just time to replace it.  We need a refrigerator when we are here but since we aren’t here except for an annual stop by, a “new to us” refrigerator seemed the way to go given the cost of a new one.  SO out came Craigs list and for about a quarter of the price of a new one, we picked up a nearly new fridge from someone moving.  Of course we don’t have the big side by side and ice maker and cold water at your finger tips type but the old farmhouse isn’t a fancy refrigerator sort of place anyway with its two Hoosier cupboards rather than counter space and no dishwasher.  :-)
Those who have been following a while know that we aren’t going to sell the farm for two reasons, David’s illness and it’s the family homeplace and will one day be Carrie’s.  We aren’t renting it because of all the heirloom furniture in it and just the general difficulty of renting.  SO it waits for us and is checked on periodically by friends.  This has been working fine for us for over 3 years now so we’re just letting things be.  Who knows what the future holds.


But, things happen to old houses.

1 Pantry before 2

We’re thinking all is well and good with the refrigerator except when we go to replace it we find that this 125+ year old farmhouse has apparently developed a sag in the corner of the pantry which is the room in which the refrigerator was sitting.  No sense putting the refrig back without redoing the floor.  SO on a LONG day this week past week-end, David and his friend Brian replace the entire thing.  Brian is a contractor and has tools to make David drool.   This is the sort of thing David really likes to do but not enough time for him to do it alone. 

So they cut out the floor, scope out the problem, David gets all the materials with his 1986 truck which now has antique plates.  Does that mean Carrie is an antique too.  She was born before 1986.  And if so then boy are we antiques.  Antique house, antique truck, antique people.  Good grief!

The boys set to work.

Winnona Wax & Pantry floor 019IMG_2620

Good thing it wasn’t TOO cool and it isn’t raining since they have their work room set up in the yard.  


Just look at this finished job.  Amazing isn’t it.  That’s the same corner.
2 Pantry floor after

4 Pantry floor after (1280x960)

All that remains is to paint the walls and stain or paint the floor.  It was painted before so that’s probably what we’ll do again just for the ease of it.   But that’s for next week.

That’s about all for our week but I do have to show a picture of the gorgeous rosemary BUSH in the herb garden.  Isn’t it just wonderful???  It’s huge.  I just hope the rough winter being predicted doesn’t do it in before I return to see it again.  Over the years I’ve had 3 rosemary bushes and they all get enormous and then one year, the temperatures are just too much for them and that’s the end.  I should have put my foot in this picture to give an indication of its size.  Oh well.

Sun to Sun Oct 13 to 20 028


  1. Life isn't always about exciting travel. It's about life. Frustrations and ordinary things are interesting to read about too. At least I think so, and I hope others do too, as I've had my share of frustrations recently.

  2. You guys sure didn't waste anytime getting the floor fixed, looks good. Is that a fresh baked pie on the Hoosier cabinet?

  3. Life and equipment is all about maintenance and keeping up with it:) Not always fun but necessary. The slide might just need to be adjusted. I had ours checked every year for alignment with work needed on a regular basis.

  4. One thong at a time isn't always so bad - it's when things stack up on you that hurts. I love the rosemary bush!

  5. You certainly made a "boring" week sound interesting :-). The rosemary bush is fabulous. Rosemary was the only herb in my little potted garden that didn't like Maine; I thought it might have been too cold for it there in May, maybe I was right!

  6. It sure is nice to have friends that are contractors. He and David did a great job with the floor!

  7. No matter if the home is mobile or not there is always upkeep and maintenance. I LOVE your Hoosier cupboards and the new floor looks nice.

  8. WOW...that's a lot of big projects for a week. You need to get back on the road for a rest:o)) I really think that beautiful rosemary would look lovely on the dashboard with your other herbs. Then you wouldn't need to put your sun shade down;o))

  9. Beautiful place you have to come back to if you want; but traveling is indeed more interesting than staying in one place. You guys sure are productive.

  10. What a coincidence that you answered the question about the farm because Bill asked me if I knew the history there just the other day. I've been reading your blog from the beginning, but couldn't remember you having answered that question so now we know!! I love the travel posts, but find that the "day in the life of" posts are just as interesting. Without those every once in awhile, we'd all figure out you weren't presenting life as it really is! Someday I'd love to see a post with a complete tour of the farmhouse and grounds! The floor looks great!

  11. I've too have wondered why you kept the beautiful old house, nice to have friends to help out with big projects like flooring replacement, looks great. Looks like a yummy pie, a nice reward after a hard days work. I know when we're in VT working there isn't much to blog about so I write a post once a week or so, life isn't always about the traveling and reading about the ordinary mundane life happenings can be just as interesting. Never did get any rosemary to winter over in VT, just way too cold. Hope you get out of there before it gets much colder, we're headed to NM today so hopefully we've put the coldest temps behind us. Good luck with the fix, hope the shades arrive before you leave.

  12. It is good that you were able to get that floor fixed. It would have been a bummer to come back to the farm next time and have the fridge on the ground and a big hole in the floor. These are not boring posts- just life.

  13. But aren't antiques valuable? :) You've gotten a lot done in that period of time! Our bedroom living room TV slide was out of adjustment and not aligning properly, so we had Camping World adjust it. Now our bedroom slide cable is frayed and we have to replace it. George thinks he can do it himself. It's always something :)

  14. I wish I knew you loved antiques. I sold so many to a dealer when we gave up our sticks and bricks. It is a good thing that you two are able to keep up with the S & B. John just could not do it. Of course, if it were a historical site like yours, maybe we would have tried more. Love your S&B

  15. What would life be like if nothing ever broke or wore out? Boring? I think it's just a plot to give men something to do to keep them out of trouble... ;c)

    Perfect job, well done, good for another 100 plus years. Hope the 1986 truck last long enough to carry the wood for that next floor replacement! :cD

  16. yaaa. . .one more project done. Will look forward to you posts about the slide alignment. . .I fear we may be having the same problem. . .would be nice to have a starting point, which is what I am now counting on from you.

    I do like our "real life" days in the rig as much as the "tourist" days. . .but like you, not really sure anyone else is going to find that interesting. . .

  17. Don't talk to me about being behind ;-)) At the rate, I am going, I'll never get caught up on the blogs ... reading them ... or writing my own posts.

  18. Uh oh, I feel your writing drawing me in. Your farmhouse looks so warm and cozy. My Mom had no counter surfaces except for a Hoosier cabinet and a pie safe in her kitchen. Both were lovely pieces. I've decided I want to sell our house and rent a small apartment or maybe even live in the trailer if I can still travel. There are so many things my granddaughters can use--two are already settled into places of their own. So many things stand in the way of what I'd like to be doing, but that makes me all the happier that you and David can do them.

  19. Ditto, Judy. Love reading about "life" in general, not just the travel parts, especially of people I have come to know and care about. Nice seeing your heirloom home and loved the project. Ah yes, rosemary, I try it in the greenhouse every year and still can't get one to winter over. However, they should winter over in Grants Pass at the cottage so I am reminded by you to plant some over there! They are drought tolerant!

  20. The pantry has steps now?! :) Lookin' good! I wouldn't call me an antique - in person years...that truck is nearing 100, if it hasn't already surpassed that ;) That rosemary is beautiful - I agree with your commenters that hearing about the stuff of real life is nice too. Thanks Brian - so glad he's around to help out :)

  21. I haven't noticed that problem. I got four slides so I am going to go out tomorrow and take a close look at all the slides to make sure every part is where it should be. Sometimes we just take things for granted. Thanks for letting us know this could happen. I will try to more aware from now on.

  22. gorgeous the new floor and love love love your cupboard!!! You two never stop.....what fun

  23. What a busy time. I bet taking care of such a beautiful farmhouse feels rewarding even though it's a liitle overwhelming at times.

    Hope the slide issues are an easy fix. Seems like a common problem.

  24. It looks like the boys did a great job on the floor. It's nice to have talented friends.

    Don't feel bad about being behind on your least you're not as far behind as Nancy and Bill who are back in July I think. :) Sometimes, they can be difficult to keep up for sure.

    We're having night time temps in the 30's (and 20's a few nights) but surprisingly since we bought the new space heater we haven't minded it at all. Not having the noisy furnace on is a plus and the new heater is quieter than the heat pump too ....and gives us more consistent heat. We intend to stay a few more weeks, but yesterday I was even thinking I'd like to stay up here even longer. If it gets much cooler, I'm sure I'll change my mind!

  25. Since it's been a couple of years since I've been out to your farmhouse, I really enjoyed seeing the photos of your place. Made me nostalgic for all the Saturday evenings we spent in your kitchen playing cards. The pantry floor looks fabulous!


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