Abracadabra, We’re Back in Virginia Again

April 16-20, 2016                                                                             Most Recent Posts
What a Surprise      
Charlottesville Virginia                                                                      
Difficult Issues – Escaping in Disney



ONE, Two Three.  We leave Disney World on Saturday morning and stop in Georgia for the night and then South Carolina and North Carolina and on Tuesday around noon we pull into Charlottesville.

On the drive at one point we are following Winnona’s Twin.  Sure wish we had a 4 wheel down toad.  I’m tiring of the dolly which is definitely a much less expensive way to tow but pretty difficult for one person to do alone.


April 19 A


This is the best stretch of our mountain farm drive.  The previous half mile needs some serious work on potholes created over the rough winter and never ending rain.




Dogwoods and redbuds are definitely in bloom. 


We arrive Tuesday afternoon and on  Wednesday, David heads to the Medical Center at UVA.  I head to the University of Virginia Pavillion Gardens which are being spiffed up for the University’s upcoming graduation. 

I’ve posted about walks to and around them before so I’ll not go in to great details about their history and Jefferson’s serpantine walls.  They are lovely private spots beautiful at every time of the year.  If you are interested in the history and more pictures of the beauty, you can find it all here.  This link goes to part II of a two part post on the gardens from 2014.  From part II there is a link to Part I.





On the way there, I walk by this house for sale on Rugby Road which is the road runs right up to the front of Jefferson’s Rotunda.  The rotunda is the focal point of the University Grounds and the gardens run down the back of the pavilions which line the Rotunda lawn on both sides.



There is a brochure for the house so for fun I take a look.  Nice description.  No pictures of the inside.


Clearly it must be pretty fabulous inside to justify such a price.  I think I could live on the ocean front for this amount.  I put the brochure back and continue on.



Flowers are in bloom along my way.  Charlottesville really is a fantastic place to be in the spring time.  Trees, flowers, bushes all in gorgeous color.






I can smell the wonderful lilacs before I even see them.  They are one of my most favorite smells. 




I cross the street in front of the Rotunda and turn to the right.  I’ll do the gardens in descending order.  Down the right side and up the left.


Each Pavillion gate opens into a different world.









Lucky the professors who get to live in these homes, known as pavillions,  which face the lawn behind the rotunda.  But their pavillion back yards are open to the public.




Each gate beckons.







Many gardens have benches in both open and more secluded areas.  Wonderful places for lunch, reading or just a quiet time.







You’ve probably noticed that the gates are all different.  Some gardens have two gates or three or four.   Although I spent many hours and did all 10 gardens today, I’m not posting pictures from them all.  There are more pictures in the posts I mentioned above.






It seems every time I come to the gardens there are robins in the grass.











More delight for the nose in this wisteria.


I take many many pictures of the infinite variety of tulips here.  They and pansies are my favorite spring flowers or at least at the head of the list.





Some of the gardens have serpentine walls for which Mr. Jefferson, the University’s founder and architect, was known.


This tulip is so fantastic it makes me laugh out loud.


I exit from the last garden on the right side and head for the others.


To get to the other 5 gardens, I cross over the Rotunda Lawn where students are gathered and you can see the southwest mountains between the buildings on the far left.  

The Rotunda was the main building of the original university.  It is now behind me as I stand.
The Pavilions were classrooms with the Master’s quarters on the second floor and student single rooms connecting the pavilions down the lawn.  At that time there were none of these buildings at the foot and the view of the mountains must have been breathtaking.  I’m sorry they chose to change Jefferson’s desire for this view.


Serpentine walls from the outside.



Here are some Pavilion houses from the other side of gardens.  These are the backs of them of course.





Serpentine Walls from the inside.  What a lovely spot.


Virginia’s state tree, the dogwood.  I do love the pink variety though I think it must be a hybrid.




More beautiful blooms!







I close out my time in the gardens by walking up to one of the last pavilions and finding a surprise on my right as I approach the exit gate.




Pretty sweet spot to study for finals relaxing in the shade of a strong southern magnolia.  BYOH!



When in Charlottesville the UVA Pavilion Gardens are not to be missed.


  1. Oh, gosh, I love your tours! Thanks!!

  2. I agree towing four down is easier, but it certainly does cost more. I think I have about $4K invested in my set up, including a braking system.

    Glad to see you're home okay and enjoying the beautiful area around UVA. I've always enjoyed the beautiful buildings, but never the gardens. One of these days I'm going to have to take the gardens in. :c)

  3. I don't think I'd ever tire of driving up the farm road to your house.

    The flowers are so beautiful this time of year, and I really miss the east. I think everything in this part of the country has stickers and thorns!

  4. Beautiful flower pics, great tour also. I have seen that type of landscape some else, where a wall divides completely different gardens. Very nice.

  5. What a beautiful campus, love all the flower pictures.

  6. Carol and I are going to have to take some time and visit the campus and Monticello. Your posts are great

    1. The tulips are a particular delight. We have a festival of them here in May- I just finished a long series today documenting them at my page.

  7. Oh I love the gated gardens here and am so delighted to visit them again with you. The flowers are just gorgeous, the variety spectacular. You capture the serenity of the place with your words and photos - and your pride. Hope all is well at the farm.

  8. If we ever get back east, I'll have to go check out those Serpentine walls ... they are lovely ... and the gardens are beautiful.

  9. We still need to meet up at Blue Mt Brewery but it will have to wait till we head back east!

  10. Love the gardens and the lovely walls.

  11. So glad you treated yourself and all of us to the garden tour! I remember reading your posts from your last visit, and made a note to myself to visit this beautiful place. Dogwoods are my favorite blooming tree—we planted two in our gardens in Ashland.

  12. This is such a lovely campus. One never tires of wandering around. You certainly chose a perfect time to visit. The flowers are spectacular!! I don't think I can pick a favorite. So many beauties:) Love the fellow in the hammock! Too funny!

  13. Lovely gardens and the flowers are devine.....probably only to be outdone by the heavenly scents!

  14. Normally, we are far far away from you. We're in West Virginia now so I think that is the closest we've been.

  15. Love your pictures from the gardens at UVA. The picture of the robin made me smile. My Grandmother lived in Charolottesville when I was a child. Every spring she would write me a letter when she had seen the first robin each spring. My cousin was married in the chapel at UVA. A beautiful wedding. Thanks for the memories.

  16. That was the fastest you ever made it back home!
    That serpentine wall always amazes me. I don't think I've ever seen a lilac in person. They don't seem to grow in the warmer climates, I guess. They are sure beautiful. Wisteria are my favorites because of the fragrance and beauty. The tulip bed was incredible as were all the flowers in your photos. Again, I haven't seen many tulips lately either. Enjoy your time in VA and enjoy that new grand daughter.

  17. I remember your post from a few years back about this lovely place. The benches that are scattered around to meditate. Flowers are just beautiful!

  18. Those gardens are just beautiful. I remember your previous posts about them.

  19. Such a marvelous place to spend a day upon returning to the ole homestead.

  20. Flowers always lift my spirits, and looking at your captures on your tour just made me smile. Yes if we do head back east, I will make sure we will stop by Charlottesville .
    Wow that house must have something inside worth the tag price.

  21. Love all the flower pictures. The gardens are just beautiful and I too love the different gates

  22. Lovely gardens in the spring...the farm also looks beautiful in spring. Beautiful flowers and trees. $2M for a home my, oh, my...I'm tempted to look it uses on the internet... must be gorgeous inside.

  23. Wow, those gardens are beautiful. I would love to explore them someday. I did enjoy your tours of Disney; you do such a great and thorough job. I get lazy after being in the parks all day :-).


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