Norumbega Mountain and Time To Say Goodbye

Friday through Sunday  August 11-13, 2017                                                 Most Recent Posts:
Acadia National Park                                                                                   Moving INTO Acadia National Park
Mount Desert Island, Maine                                                                       Chasm Brook Bridge and Udder Heaven   


Those of you devoted enough or crazy enough to read all of my posts may realize that this post actually happened before my last one Moving INTO Acadia National Park.  In this post we are still at Narrows Too.  So just pretend you don’t already know all about the move and the clever rock stacks by the shore, I’ll try to do better about remembering which of the multiple posts I’m working on is actually next to be posted.  If you haven’t read either of them, then you still have a chance to read them in the right order.  Use the blue link above and come back to this one.



To hike up Norumbega Mountain we return to a familiar place, Lower Hadlock Pond.  We park Ruby in the same spot as last time and head out on the Lower Hadlock Pond Trail.  It’s early morning and the sunshining right on the pump house.  Much of the lake is in shadow.  It’s all just so beautiful.







Once across the dam,  we find the trail signs.  We take Lower Hadlock a bit further and then turn up the trail to the summit of the mountain.



The mountain trail is quite varied.  You never know what will be around the bend.







You do know that it will be up at one grade or another.






I guess we could change our minds at this point but since neither of us plays golf, we don’t.






We hit the blueberry gold mine.   The place is covered with low bush blueberries.  I stop on the edge of the trail to pick a few.




And then a few more.



Blueberry picking is addictive.  In a great location, you can’t quit until your back gives up.



Finally the back says “enough”.  We hike on  and soon we are seeing some distant view.


More berries along the way.  Good thing we never hike without berry bags.  I had no idea Norumbega Mountain was a berry trove.



Many of the mountains in Acadia have Jack Pines near or on their summits.  I just love these hardy little pines which put carpets of needles at our feet.  They get themselves into any little space they can find in and among the rocks and even on the rock faces.  How do they do it?






And here we are at the summit which doesn’t have any views right there but if you walk around you can find distant view of  Somes Sound.

IMG_1440I need selfie lessons. 20170811_083225

Somes Sound in the distance and Western and Blue Hill Bays beyond that.





There are some serious houses on the far shore of Somes Sound.



Looking another direction, it is all beautiful green mountains.  There is not a bad view from any summit in Acadia.  So wonderful to see no industrial anything.



Time to turn around and back down we go.




When we reach the bottom, we take the long way around the lake and pass by the pink complex again.  It always makes me laugh.  They’d blend in better if they were green





My pictures of this trail today are actually better today than the ones I took right after we’d paddled the pond and hiked the trail too.  But since I already posted that so I won’t show the same shots.  It’s a really wonderful trail so if you’d like to see it, here’s the link.

Back at the car David goes down to sit on the big rock and have a snack.





And that’s the end of our last adventure from Narrows Too Campground, but not our last adventure in Acadia.





Today we are saying goodbye to Nancy and Bill.    We are out early to bid them farewell as they pull out for South Carolina.   It’s been a great two months in Acadia, wonderful memories.  With hugs all around we  wish them safe, safe and easy travels.  It’s a long way from here to South Carolina.


Bill pulls out of the site.




Nancy waves as she walks to the truck to drive it up to where they will hook it up in front of the office.



And there they go.  If you know Nancy and Bill you won’t be surprised to hear that it is 7:30am and they are pulling away.  I don’t know anyone else who gets such an early start.




When they are out of sight,  we decide to have blueberry pancakes in their honor for all the fun berry picking we did this summer.  Besides we have all those we just picked yesterday




So wonderful to have excess of low bush blueberries that you can put them in the pancakes and on top of the pancakes and even make blueberry syrup for the pancakes.









We spend today doing what Bill and Nancy were doing on Friday while we were hiking Norumbega – packing up, getting ready to move.   Being in one spot for two months means we have spread out all over and have nearly every piece of outdoor gear we own set up.

Once we’re finished, it sure looks empty from our patio with them gone, nothing but the bare picnic table, and nobody within 3 sites of us.   Boy are the birds going to miss both of our feeder set ups.



But this isn’t the end of our Acadia adventures.  We aren’t heading seriously south just yet.  We’re only moving into the park to a site at Seawall Campground.   But that’s for another post, one you may have already read.  Oh well. . . .


  1. Beautiful captures! You were lucky to have had so much time around Acadia.

  2. Such a pretty hike through the pines...the smell is always amazing!!! It was a great summer and it seems like so long ago!! However, we still have blueberries in the freezer so the memories continue:o)))

  3. So nice to have spent a bit of summer with the Mills. Funny to see green trees in your post when we're enjoying such fall color (as I'm sure you are too!). Nice to relive your fond memories of a few months ago.

  4. Another beautiful hike, I'm sorry we won't be in Acadia during berry season when we head that way. Always sad to see friends leave but what's so great is usually it isn't too long before we see them again.

  5. That sure is a lot of pink! Either the owners like pick or there was a great sale on pink paint they couldn't pass up... :cD

  6. The morning light on the lake is so soothing. Those roots on the trail sure keep you focused! If we left that early we'd be pulling into our next stop before 11 AM :-))) We pulled out that early from Monument Valley last week and I was surprised by the number of other people doing the same thing. I'm glad it's not our norm! That's quite the blueberry breakfast :-) With the shade of the trees I love that pink in the forest - the perfect touch of color.

  7. Nice to see more pictures of you in the blog. Those jack pines get a lot of guidance from their Mother, Nature that is. I think that is a great selfie on Norumbega. ;) Sorry to see Bill & Nancy depart, but looking forward to next time.

  8. You guys had such a fun summer with Nancy and Bill! It must have been hard to see them pull away. I cannot imagine packing up and being ready to go at 7:30 a.m. It seems as though you had two months of amazing blueberry picking (and hikes, too, of course). I'm surprised there always seem to be so many berries -- aren't other people picking them, and aren't critters eating them?

  9. Lovely trail with so many berries! Goodbye is never fun, but it's on to new adventures! Yummy pancakes were a good choice. one will miss noticing them! :)

  10. I'd never get any hiking done with all those blueberries to pick.


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