Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

Henry David Thoreau

Day 29 – Surprised, no SHOCKED

Tuesday August 14, 2012
Quail Run RV Resort Lot 15
Wesley Chapel, Florida


This is not the blog post I have written
and intend to post today.

That one will come another day.  This is late breaking news.


Today is David’s weekly visit with the folks at Moffitt.  The blood draw appointment is for 11:00.  We are on time.  So are they.  It is the usual routine.  Check in, then wait.  Get called for the wrist band, then wait. 

Now it’s only about 11:30 and David’s doctor appointment isn’t until 1pm.  We’d brought our lunch.  But we don’t have time to eat it.  They call David again.  He goes back although we had no idea what for.

In just a minute or so he comes out to get me from the waiting room.  The PA is going to see us now.  It’s only 11:45.  An EARLY appointment with a knowledgeable medical person.  GOOD GRIEF!!

We should have known something was up when it all went off like clockwork.  Rich Guyer, Dr. Alsina’s PA, is waiting for us.  He’s there BEFORE we are.  Rich is a very knowledgeable myeloma person.   He has David's blood work in his hand.  It’s only been 45 minutes.  Last week it was over 4 hours before the blood work was available.  WOW!

Rich goes over the numbers with David, asks questions about how things have been going, how’s his appetite, his energy, other concerns.  After he he checks David’s lungs, abdomen and the other things he always checks, he announced that David will not have to come back until his November 1st three month appointment with Dr. Alsina.


We are shocked. 

We know he’s been doing well.  His sleep the last couple of nights has been up to 4 hours straight,  he’s able to walk three times a day for 40 minutes and his major side effects are improving though slowly. 

Rich answers all the questions that come to mind with this new situation and pretty much says, other than swimming in oceans, lakes or streams and being involved with chemicals or dirt, David can do whatever he feels ok doing.   No more 24/7 caretaking.  He can drive, do as many physical activities as he feels he’d like to. 

In 3 months, at that November 1st appointment,  they will do the first real Myeloma test of his M-Spike to see if the transplant has put him into complete remission.  But for now he can live his life however he’d like. 

We arrive at 11:00 and are out by 12:30.  Unheard of speed.


What GREAT news!  

And so unexpected.  Now we have to figure out what to do next.  He is not “cured” of course or even necessarily in remission.  He still has low energy, swollen feet after being up on them too long, abdominal issues and some peripheral neuropathy.   It won’t be back to life as he used to live it but it definitely opens up more possibilities.

We’ve made it through to the other side of at least  the stem cell transplant.  We are mighty happy and congratulating ourselves on a tough job well done.  We’ve just passed hurdle number two.


Day  29 030A


You all have been so important in this!

Those of you who have been with us throughout this nightmare cannot possibly know how much your comments and encouragement, prayers and postcards, lottery tickets and letters have meant to us.  We can never thank you enough.  You are our family and friends, we want you to be with us still as we find out what is now in store for us.

We’ll no doubt be here at Quail Run at least another week getting things wrapped up and trying to figure out and plan what’s next.  Soon I’ll post the blog that was to be.  But next to this, I fear it will be a bit of a let down.  And I’ve got to get back to planning where to go next.

Speaking of which, where’s the closest place we can go to have highs in the low 80’s and lows in the high 50’s???  JJ


  1. Praise God! I was so happy to read your blog and hear the wonderful news. Do you both feel you have been let out of jail?

    Leanne(Laurie & George's Mom)

  2. OMG!!! OMG!!! Certainly was not expecting this at this point. I cannot believe how quickly you have come to this point. I know it probably seems like an eternity since your lives have been your own. Here in Washington State.... a whole nation away celebrating with you!!! YEA!!!!

  3. OH WOW!!! OH WOW!!! I am SO happy for you and David! I'm flabbergasted -- can't find the words. As I started reading, my heart started to beat faster because I wasn't sure where you were going with it. This is such wonderful news that I wish I could high five both of you.

    I'm anxious to hear about your plans. I'm anxious to hear as David improves day by day, hour by hour as he seems to do everything at warp speed!

    Congratulations. Couldn't happen to a nicer or more deserving couple. Enjoy your travels "in the direction of your dreams", now.

    November is a great time to return to Florida! David even timed that perfectly!

  4. FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! You guys have worked so hard, and we couldn't be happier for you. Love that picture of you two. It's so appropriate!! You must be ecstatic as you begin planning a long over-due adventure. Does this mean we'll get to see you at the Carolina Clan gathering???

    Hugs to you both!

  5. The open road awaits! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

    We're keeping the prayers, positive thoughts and healing energy headed your way.

    Enjoy your new found freedom!

  6. Oh my, I am beyond happy, happy, happy :) This is wonderful news. I would tell you you could find that kind of weather in Oregon, but not right now. The next three days are triple digit and in the high 80's after that.... but where ever you go happy travels.
    Hugs to the both of you,

  7. Oh, boy, oh boy, GREAT news, so happy for you!!!! On the road again!!!

  8. We are so happy for you both!!! It has been a long struggle but now all your efforts have paid off. All the positive thoughts and prayers sent your way plus your unyielding determination not to give in have made the outcome so surprisingly good.

    Now we're looking forward to seeing you move on, get cooler and get back to enjoying your travels as you can. :c)


    I must admit you had me worried at the beginning. I knew it would either be great news or not so great news. I am so happy for you that you're on early release for 'good behavior'. Way to go!

    Here's hoping for nice cool temperatures for you VERY SOON.

  10. WOW OH WOW!!! Sorry I can only manage a virtual Happy Dance at the moment, but I'm giving that all I got! Just had a dose of morphine, so let me tell ya it's a pretty darn good Happy Dance! Teehee!

    Seriously, this is such wonderful news. It's sometimes hard to find the words to express, but please know I am so very tickled and grateful for you both. Well done!! Now go enjoy yourselves!

    Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and support on my blog. I know YOU know just how much that means.

    Gentle hugs and much affection,

  11. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!! What fantastic news:o))) OK, now it is time to get back to doing the things you love. Just take it slow and easy and ENJOY the journey!!! We'll be at Buck Hall and Huntington if you are heading north...but it's not cool yet;o)) I am so glad I didn't have time to send a postcard. You'll just have to come see it for yourself:o)) Safe Travels and Happy Trails

  12. So, so, so , happy for both of you. I wish we had been there to share that beer with David and some baileys with you :) FREEDOM !

  13. We were so pleased to hear the great news. You both deserve a little enjoyment, so start planning! Maybe a short trip to Oscar Scherer would be in order? We're also planning a little get-a-way.

  14. Doing the happy dance for you! This is great news!

  15. When I first started reading your post, I was a little apprehensive. So glad it is good news!!! What a great way to start the day! I'm so happy for you both! Head north into the NC mountains...should be cooler than Florida!

  16. Yippeeeee! YAY!!!!! WHEEEEEEE! Come to Bar Harbor! I know, too far, too expensive...but the temps are right where you want them! So glad to hear the news . We're doing the happy dance with ya!

  17. Awesome news! What we've been hoping and praying for. I was so glad to hear the news last night when talking with David. Having to think about what to do/where to go next is a good problem to have - at least it beats looking forward to your next weekly blood draw. Congratulations to you both for staying the course

  18. Hey.. Hey.. Hey... maybe you DID win the lottery with those tickets! This is the best news I have received in all of 2012.... your road to freedom. Perhaps psychologically, David, this will speed up the "healing process" even more. Just knowing that you are not tethered to Moffitt... that you can be a little "free". Just to feel Winonna's wheels rumbling beneath you will be a new world. Coming back to Charlottesville to see the end of summer and being there in the fall - what a boost for the psyche. (Don't know if that is your plan). You have both endured for so very long... now perhaps time for a little "fun". My prayer is for continued progress and REMISSION....

  19. YES! This is the blog we've all been waiting for :) I agree with Karen and Al that you deserve some FUN! Can't wait to hear what the next step is! LOVE that picture - this is definitely HIGH FIVE NEWS! What a rough road - I am so glad there was finally a surprisingly great upswing! You've both shown amazing strength down this whole stretch. I look forward to celebrating with you - we'll have to make a plan for that as well :)

  20. I am so happy for you David- Good times ahead for sure. Love you both- Cindy

  21. The news couldn't be much better than that! How exciting that you can move your thoughts to much more pleasant things. I enjoy the planning part of excursions, hope you do too. :)

  22. Reading this... well, it just made my morning. Wonderful news! Have you adjusted to the new freedom yet??? I think I'd just wander around saying "WOW" and smiling (not a bad way to spend a few days). I'm so happy for you both. What fun for your readers to see where you decided to go.

    Safe travels,

  23. Fantastic news! I know you'll be glad to get back on the road. When we lived in Pensacola the closest "cool" spot for us was Cheaha State Park in the mountains of AL. Not sure how far that is from Tampa, though.

  24. What great news! Couldn't be happier for the two of you ... just be careful, and don't go crazy with your newfound freedom.

  25. Oh my Lord! Thank you so much for sharing this great,wonderful news!! I'm so happy for you both. You have to be like kids let out of school for the summer :) Hopefully this means you will be at the Carolina Clan reunion :)

  26. I'm sitting here with a huge smile on my face. What great news. Onward you go towards the directions of your dreams! I see a nice beach in your future. Congrats and a job well done. Judy Weltman from Virginia

  27. Back when I mentioned that SCT could go very well or very badly, I never imagining it could go THIS well! David’s is a text-book perfect case, bordering on the almost unbelievable. Truthfully, I was a bit alarmed at the notion of attempting re-hab in a Camper. If something HAD gone wrong it would have been difficult. But NOTHING went wrong. Amazing results. YAY!

    This entire story is a parable of sorts. Have faith, do the best you can and expect a perfect outcome. Sometimes you’ll get one! (It helps to have little or no personal knowledge of the disasters than “could’ve” occured ;)) I intend to take from your experience a greater faith in the positive and less fear of negative consequences. Thanks for that lesson.
    Don’t get too cocky if the WBC’s are still hovering in the low range. Stay away from crowds and kids. But for Pete’s sake, go have some fun!

  28. Happy Happy, Joy Joy! Congrats on getting to the other side.

  29. Holy cow, that's GREAT!!! 3 months of freedom must feel quite liberating at this point, and even the idea of a relative return to 'normalcy' has to be intoxicating. I am so happy to hear this! Can't wait to read about your upcoming adventures again, as well as Uncle Dave's continued progression. WoooHooo!!!

  30. We're doing a little jig for you both here at the Grand Canyon general store. Before they ask us to leave, I bet the Blue Ridge mountains in N. GA are in the right temperature range for you. Not too far away, either.

    Or come on out to the Grand Canyon and boondock with us. :0)

  31. Wow! The best news I've heard in a long time. Congratulations and David you look great! Absolutely amazing and so well deserved. Now have some fun! Happy trails. Sherry, well done.

  32. Fantastic news!!! Carpe diem!!!

  33. Oh hip hip hip hoorayyy!!! yippeee!!! whoop de do!!! and all that other stuff. I love all the comments showing how much everyone cares about you two. You deserve all the best you can find. I know where those temps are, but it is about the farthest away from you right now. Good ole Oregon. Although you might not want to come west anyway since we are all filled up with smoke right now.


    Maybe northern Georgia, at the south end of the Blue Ridge?

  35. Desired temperatures? Think Vermont! Lotsa great state parks to choose from, too.
    Ya'll come up now, ya' heah? We'll party when you get here.

  36. WooHoo!! We are doing a huge happy dance! It's great news! I bet you still have those beautiful grins on your face even now. Carpe Diem indeed!

  37. Outstanding, Sherry!!! So very happy for you both

  38. Happy Happy dance!! That is awesome news!! You sure deserve some down time. Enjoy, whereever you go!!

  39. What incredably wonderful news. I guess they haven't been kidding you when they said he was doing better than expected. Simply amazing.
    I didn't read all the comments like I usually do, because I wanted to get down to the comment box and say how thrilled I am for you two with this good news.
    Because I haven't read the comments yet, I don't know if anyone has mentioned the midwest to you. The temperatures you're looking for are here in the Des Moines Iowa area right now! But from past experience, I wouldn't bet on them staying this way for long.
    Again, what amazingly great news.

  40. Well, Ireland in September is supposed to be high 40s and low 60s, so I suppose that's not quite gonna work?

    Smile. I am sOOOOO excited for you. Like someone else wrote, I had my heart a bit in my throat as I read, not sure where you were going with this. (Never use the word "shocked" in a subject line unless you want to start heart palpitations!) I hope you celebrated with all of your favorite things to eat. You deserve it. Thank you, David, for your not giving up. Thank you, Sherry, for your patience and persistence and being such a loving caregiver. Thank you, God, for what you're doing inside David.

    Your friend,

  41. Congratulations! That is terrific news:) I am sure you will find a great way to celebrate.

  42. WAHOO!! That is fantastic news! I am sending you a long-distance high-five right now!

  43. Holy cow! Awesome things happen when I fall behind in my blog reading!!! Congratulations to you both! That is such wonderful news. I know you're just itching to get out of there for awhile. Happy Trails!

  44. Awesome fantastic news!!! We are so very happy for you both.....our heartful congratulations...!!!!!! Yipeeeeeee

  45. I was so happy for you guys when I read this ! This has to be a "Big Sigh " moment.

    Very best regards ...Kelly

  46. We've been away from the blogs for a couple of days, so I'm sorry I'm late with this but CONGRATS. What great news about David's "clearance." We are SO thrilled by your news! Bet you'll be glad to get on the road. Hey, up here at River Vista in Dillard, GA, which is in the NE GA mountains, the highs have been in low 80's and at night the temps have been in upper 50's to 60. We love it here now that summer has peaked and the slow cooldown starts and changing of the leaves will come in late Sept or Oct. Check out the website! Again, we are so happy and thankful for the great news!!!


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