Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

Henry David Thoreau

Autumnal Equinox

Saturday September 22, 2012



Today is the first day of fall and it is beginning to feel like it here.  The trees in the mountains are just starting to turn to the brilliant oranges and reds that everyone flocks to the Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway to see. Although our farm is very close to the junction of those two beautiful roads,   I don’t head up there since I’m not a crowds person.




It will be another week or 10 days before we begin to see them here in the foothills.  But they will last into mid October and our valley is beautiful to behold then.  We don’t have to drive anywhere.  All we have to do is look around.  We are lucky to be back here at this time of year even for a short time.


Greenfield Mountain Farm (2)



The temperatures didn’t dip quite into the 40’s overnight but came close at 51.  The high today will be near 80.  Simply perfect weather especially for a hike or playing outdoors even if there are not yet leaves in piles to play in, another of my favorites in the fall that I miss when I’m not in a 4 seasons location.  Hope you’ll be outside enjoying the spirit of fall on its opening day.



Autumn Equinox is one of the two points of balance in the natural year when the days and nights are of equal length.  The sun rises in absolute East and sets in absolute West so if you ever wanted to know where they are today is the day.

This Equinox signifies the end of the summer season, as now the days will begin to grow shorter and the nights grow longer.  The tradition of the Autumn season was the time of the harvest, and preparing for the winter’s scarcities to come.  It signaled an end to the expansive, and  extreme bursts of heat, growth, and light found throughout the summer.

Literally and figuratively, it is about reaping what we’ve sown, bringing to bear all that we’ve been doing throughout the year, and preparing for the remainder of the year which can feel speeded up, hectic and stressful due to the impending November and December holidays.  


For many years before Winnona, for us each fall meant harvesting grapes and apples like these, organic and not perfect.  It meant making juice/jams/pies and preserves.  It meant the beginning of snuggling into blankets, finishing up gathering the year’s firewood and cleaning out the chimney for another winter around the woodstove. And so moving our gaze to a quieter, more restrained sensibility.  Even being on the road where winter is no longer so cold and snowy, I hope to remember that the body and mind need a quiet restrained time of year even if I’m not in a place where the temperatures remind me to curl inward and rest.


These special days of the natural year are ones on which I try to stop and experience what is happening in my universe and on my beloved planet.  Fall Equinox is just such a moment of pause:  when the seesaw is at its most perfect point of balance.  It gives me a moment to catch my breath, ground myself, and assess.  This has been a rough year for us and I have found myself doing much too much striving. On this day I promise myself instead to  do my best to cultivate balance in my life and to emphasize clarity over calamity. 


I hope your Fall Equinox day is invigorating and your life moving into perfect balance.  Your comments have been a mainstay for me these many months.  Thank you all so very much for making this difficult journey with us.   ~Sherry~



  1. So glad to hear you and David are okay and in such a beautiful place. Enjoy. Isn't fall air wonderful!! My favorite time of year.

  2. Sherry I didn't realize the Blue Ridge Parkway was near where you are. That was a very beautiful part of our wedding trip 8 years ago. Thank you for reminding us about the Autumn Equinox. I Love four seasons and especially enjoy fall.

    We too are glad to hear David and you are doing well.

  3. I do love fall...the colors, the smells, a nice sweater. We had the privilege of spending the fall equinox in Mexico at Chichenitza one year. It was amazing!

  4. Love that last picture. Also learned from you, how to find true east and west.

  5. Thank you so much, Sherry, for reminding me to pause and think about this special day and the deeper meanings of the turning wheel. You wrote it so beautifully and reminded me of what is really important. We are in 80 degree days and 50 degree nights here as well. A nice extension of easy weather before winter.

  6. I know the journey you have traveled this year. A peaceful carving of time, space and serenity is exactly the tonic for your weary soul.... I dream of the moments sipping cider, fall yummies and good friends. My new life mantra. If not now....when!!! I see it everywhere. The leaves gently turning in color soon to be rustling beneath our feet. I hear it in the breeze and The crackling of the fire. Seize your dreams, embrace them, live every moment to the fullest. Take care my friend...each moment is precious.

  7. Interesting post. I love the fall colors too but haven't seen them in many years. We are going to go look somewhere next week. The farmhouse picture was beautiful! Hope all is well with you and David!

  8. My goodness! Is that lovely property yours? Wow! We have had a good and nicely balanced Equinox. Enjoyed the post and hope both of you are doing better and better with some much deserved peaceful rest. Hugs . . .

  9. No matter how old we get, we can...I did, learn something new. Thanks for the East -West tip.
    I am out in the middle of Oregon, Summer Lake Hot Springs. I'll get to see the ups and downs of the Sun!! Oh and Mr Moon is around also.....

  10. What a lovely post. Thanks for sharing with us!

  11. Beautiful time of the year ... and we had a beautiful day to kick start it ... although I'm afraid I was too busy emptying out some cabinets and deciding what goes where to remember it was the equinox. Hopefully next year, I'll really be able to relax and celebrate the balance.

  12. Even in a warm climate, you should be able to "curl inward and rest" - the early sunsets always remind me its winter and help me to do this.
    The weather has been great here at Mesa Verde this week, I am actually spending more time sitting outdoors (without the blazing sun).
    Happy Fall!

  13. Ah. Lovely post, and good to remember. Our times of curling inward and resting in NYS were always TOO LONG. It was more like I was shriveling inward and hibernating.

    Is that your place??? It made my heart stop. Wait... it hasn't started up yet.

  14. Happy first day of Fall!
    The sun crossed the celestial equator on its way south at 9:49 am CST
    We're looking forward to cooler days and nights!
    Stay well and peaceful and happy.

  15. May peace and tranquility bring you balance for the rest of the year, and beyond.

  16. A beautiful post from the heart of a beautiful lady. Autumn is a great time to stop, think and rebalance life. The colors of the season and the crisp air make life seem so much more real...and refreshing.

    Here's to the season that restores your soul, may it bring peace, joy and happiness after all the difficulties you and David have overcome.

  17. Beautiful post. This is my favorite time of year!

  18. Nice post and a good reminder that we all need to give ourselves permission to rest our minds and souls. I also love fall.

  19. Wonderful, thoughtful post and eloquently written....

  20. You are indeed lucky to be back on the farm during this time of year. As the leaves begin to change, all you have to do is step outside your door to take in all its beauty. So envious!! Enjoy!!

  21. Great post and a terrific reminder of what's important. Thanks!

  22. Beautiful photos and graphics! Yes, another season is here - we're just surrounded by wonderful seasons, aren't we?

  23. What an interesting post. I have come to love and appreciate the fall the past few years. We are absolutely loving being here in North Carolina during this wonderful time of year. I am jealous that you will get to see the fall colors from your home. Unfortunately, we'll have to head south and back to summer! Is that your farmhouse??? It's beautiful!

  24. This beautiful, Sherry. Beautiful pictures

  25. Third try to comment ... maybe a bitd's on the AT&T wire...

    Beautiful pictures and thought provoking post ;)

  26. Gorgeous blog. Truly you. Lovely pictures too. :)


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