Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

Henry David Thoreau

Completed on time

Monday October 16, 2012
Greenfield Mountain Farm


Well it happened, the house is finished and on time thanks to our wonderful carpenter Brian Tinnell, the fabulous painters from Old School Painting and its owner Rik Prentiss. 

Remember when things used to be done right the first time?  Well in that sense all of these guys were ‘old school’.  Just try to imagine all the nooks and crannies in an old house and the details.  They took care of them all, repairs, scraping, priming and two coats of finish everywhere, including the roof.

The skies are getting ominous here and I because of the sun, the main house color does not always look the same but it is.  See what you think.  Take a walk around.



East Entry to the screened porch and then kitchen.GMF EastA



Moving around to the South entry to its open porch then the hall and parlors.GMF SE Corner

GMF South PorchA



south west cornerGMF SW Corner


West side with the bay window and back door facing the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Old farmhouses had a door on every side but North.GMF West



North West Corner.  No door on the north.  Upper porch is off the Master Bedroom.GMF NW Corner


Even David’s shop, from which most of the original renovations to this old farmhouse came, got a new look.  It’s located in the yard to the right out of view in the first picture



We won’t be here long to enjoy it though since we leave for Moffitt later this week.  But it feels great to have it all taken care of.  Wonder how long it will take the wallet to recover??


  1. Ouch.... that is the tough part of still owning a sticks and bricks home. The repairs are necessary but don't bring you closer to your dreams, just treading water. But there is a great sense of seeing it completed as it should be. I love old farm houses!

  2. Sherry, it's beautiful. I especially love your back porch. What a view you must have from up there! good luck on your trip back to Moffitt.

  3. It sure looks like they did an excellent job. It's beautiful!

    Stop by and see us in Cedar Point on your way to Florida :)

  4. Sherry & David, the house looks great.....the paint job & the house being a farm house. I saw this today & thought of both of you. Maybe you might see them at Moffitt.... http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/ga-man-shaves-head-support-wife-finds-own-124130509--abc-news-health.html

  5. I would love to have that house to come home to after exhausting travels.

  6. Looking Great! Love all the porches. Didn't know about the no door on the north thing but it makes sense weather wise. Safe travels.

  7. Looks like you definitely found the right contractor:)

  8. What a beauty. I hope you have many years of enjoyment here. The porch off the master would that be called the sleeping porch?

  9. The house looks great, and a nice bonus that it was completed on time! Glad you've got that behind you.

  10. That house looks wonderful!!! Did Carrie grow up there? What a wonderful place.

  11. Love the porch with the swing. Have a safe trip, I know Moffitt is not where you want to go for the winter, but you are traveling together and that's all that matters right now.

  12. What a beautiful finish to the place. They did a great job, you must be happy. Safe travels back to FL.

  13. What a beautiful home Sherry and David! Now have safe travels back to Moffett with wonderful, good news re: David's check up.

  14. You have a lovely home, I can see why it is so dear to your heart. Virginia still has a pull on us, too.

    Hope your wallet recovers quickly.

  15. Looking good ... and to have contractors who got the work done right and on time ... well, that's priceless.

  16. It's really pretty, and I love that big raised porch, nice place to sit and stare

  17. Beautiful home. Your house colors are the inverse of ours. We have darker green siding, lighter trim.
    Safe travels to Moffitt and wave when you pass us in Charleston.

  18. The house looks great. You can relax and not worry about that project anymore. Safe travels to Florida.

  19. The results were worth waiting for. Very nice!

  20. Beautiful house, Sherry....wish I could see it in person! :-) A porch off the master bedroom....I'm envious!

  21. The old farmhouse looks beautiful. They have done a marvelous job on it.

    Kevin and Ruth

  22. What a warm and cozy home, Sherry. It's exactly the place I would picture for you and David. It suits you, somehow. Glad you're done with maintenance. How nice it must be to be close to the Blue Ridge. Hope David gets glowing reports from Moffitt. Are you traveling after that or staying in Florida?

  23. It looks grand - restored to its former glory, I might say - especially the shop! What a place to grow up!! I am so glad the work was completed on time by such a great team. Now you can focus on getting back on the road - that's good news :)

  24. How can you leave a beautiful home like that? Looks great, I will have to save a pic, for next time ours needs paint. I will get to pick the color and I like what you did there. Happy and safe travels, we may leave for Cocoa Beach early next week.

  25. The house is beautiful and it looks perfect in such a wonderful setting!!!

    Safe travels and let us know if you get to the Tampa area. We will be here a another week. Hope our paths cross. Just glad you are getting back on the road!!!

  26. Fabulous... great color choice. Now it shines it all its fall glory! You can leave again knowing this is behind you - and done well... and will welcome you home at a later date. Just think of the joy driving up the driveway knowing what awaits. Neices looks spiffy - very fashionable nighties..... sisters are great... as they will realize with the passing years. Trusting all will go well at Moffitt - and that David will set the bar high for a full recovery!!

  27. Well, That "Ole House" looks super! What a wonderful feeling when it is all done!


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