Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

Henry David Thoreau

Goodbye to the Farm

Thursday October 25, 2012
Largo, Florida


It’s been a LONG week.  And I’m exhausted but I do want to have a record of what’s happening so here goes.


Friday October 19

We haven’t stayed long enough to hit the height of the color but it is pretty fine as I walk around for one last look.


I look out to the barnyard.  Notice the corner of the shop in the yard on
the picture left.


Leaving Virginia 009


I walk around  to the the south east and look back at the walk out to the barnyard.  There’s the ‘rest of the shop’.


Leaving Virginia 018


On around to the front porch, I sit a  while in the swing facing the mountains.


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Around to the west yard.  This is the view of the mountains which carry the Blue Ridge Parkway.  It is the view that we see through living room bay window .


Leaving Virginia 014


Humpback Rocks on the Blue Ridge Parkway is off to the left just beyond the middle of the picture.

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Pretty hazy day for the mountains as I walk around to the north west looking toward the pond.  It’s that small body mid picture left side.  Actually it has become more like a wetland.  Cattails abound.


Leaving Virginia 016 


I walk down to the pond and look back

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I look up from the pond at the  mountains.  It’s just beautiful here.  I love it with all my heart. 

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Time to say good bye. 


Leaving Virginia 002



We’re off down the road.


Leaving Virginia 007


As we curve around the farm lane, I ask myself, why AM I leaving this lovely place at this most beautiful time of the year?


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Because I have to.

David has his 3 month post transplant tests in Florida next week.


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My 92 year old father moved to Colorado on Wednesday where my sister in law has found an assisted living facility for him.  My part of this is to clean out the entire house and sell it. 


Leaving Virginia 001


So right now we are in Largo doing just that.  I’m up to my ears in busy.  10 hour days.  But I’ll post how we got here tomorrow or maybe a few days from now.


  1. Replies
    1. I'm glad you think so too. Thanks so much for the comment.

  2. Your farm is sooo beautiful! I will always have my memories of the Blue Ridge Parkway. At some point we must have been very close to your farm. We are praying as you travel, praying the Dave's follow up will bring wonderful news to the both of you.

    1. Let me know next time you get down that way BJ and perhaps we can meet you at the farm. Thanks you so much for your prayers.

  3. I hope to sit on those porches one day and yes we must see All of the fall colors! Safe travels my friend!!

    1. That would be mighty fine to sit on the porch and chat with you. So we'll have to make a plan to meet there in mid October and stay for TWO weeks just so we can see All of the colors. :-)

  4. It must be hard for you to leave the farm with its beautiful colors, and warm insides. You know it will be waiting for you with open arms later when you can come back.

    1. Very hard but not as hard as selling it which was what we intended to do until everything changed. It is nice to know it's there waiting. But I do feel like it was "paint and run". :-)

  5. Oh, my, that is beyond beautiful & wonderful!!!

    1. I am SO glad you like it Loree. It does like very fine at this time of year.

  6. Your farm is so beautiful, I can see how it is such a special place in your heart.

    Good luck on your work on your dad's house, it is such hard work, but you'll get it done.

    Hope all goes well for David's tests, at least this time it will be cooler.

    1. Thanks for your good wishes Paul and for reminding me of the bright side.
      It is A LOT cooler!

  7. I know you hated to leave such a beautiful place and those colors! Magnificent! (I think you meant October 19 though, not September)

    We all do what we need to do. Best wishes that David's check up goes smoothly and you hear nothing but good things. Good luck taking care of Dad's house and the sale. That will certainly be a project but one I know you're up for. Good luck!

    1. Thanks Gail for letting me know so I could fix the date.....I think I'm just toooo tired. Seems like I've been doing this cleaning for a month even though it's only been 3 days.

  8. Sad for you that you had to leave such a lovely setting.

    Oh my! Cleaning out and selling your dad's house. Now that's a job! One step at a time.

    1. It is a job for sure! Seems like when it rains it pours but e..v..e..n..t..u..a..l..l..y.................

  9. What a beautiful place to come back to, no matter the season.

  10. Well, you and David sure pack a lot into life. What a wonderful place to call home when you want off the road for a while.

    It goes unsaid that I'll be thinking of David's time at Moffitt and hoping everything goes as smoothly as possible. Think about how far you've come since all this began!

    Once you get your Dad settled, you'll be free to turn in the "Direction of Your Dreams" and still have paradise to return to as you choose. I'm glad you had such a beautiful place for you and David to rejuvenate and rest. I always wanted to have a farm.

    Just be glad the painting is done. Thinking of the two of you, as always. And, now you'll be near the beach!!!

  11. What a beautiful place no wonder you hate to leave Sherry...wow three months already...the best of luck with David's tests...good luck cleaning out your dads house...there is a light at the end of the tunnel after all....

  12. Good to hear from you Sherry. Lots of big jobs ahead of you, but making sure David is ok is the most important one, of course. Your farm is so incredibly beautiful.

  13. Happy to hear you made it to Florida safely. We will get there Saturday hopefully.

  14. It's never easy to say goodbye to a special place. But you have all these beautiful images to remind you. Plus, there are priorities.

  15. wow, Sherry... that is a dream place! I can just smell those smells and the trees! gorgeous...

    So glad David is doing so well ;)

  16. Good to hear from you and glad you had a safe trip south. Sorry you had to leave the farm at such a pretty time of the year. Hope all went well at Moffitt and you get some good news next week when the results are in!! Tell David his for us:o))

    I can remember well how difficult it is to clean out and sell a parent's house. Fortunately, you are retired and have the time available. Still it is a very difficult task. So pace yourself and be sure to take care of you.

    We leave in the morning to head to Huntington Beach...looks like we played the criss cross game again. We will be back this winter and hope both of us are finished with repairs and responsibilities so we can meet up and catch up!!!!

  17. It's a beautiful farm you have there. We so miss the fall colors! Good luck with David's tests and with selling your Dad's home.

  18. It is so beautiful, reminds me of Ohio and home. It is pretty here too, but not like this.-- Cindy

  19. If I had a place that looked like that, I think I would consider staying home! Best wishes to David and good results on his tests...

  20. You sure have a beautiful piece of property. That first photo of the barn is fantastic as are all the trees with their amazing colours.

  21. Virginia fall color -- we came back in time to at least see some of it from the air as our plane came in for a landing on Monday. You have a wonderful property there for yourselves; I can appreciate why it is difficult to leave. Good luck with the 3-month tests.

  22. Love the farm in autumn. I am glad you were able to enjoy one of the most beautiful times of the year there. Your task with your father's house probably seems daunting. From what I have learned from your blog so far, he has been blessed with a wonderful daughter. We are holding the vision of encouraging test results for David and look forward to a day at the beach or a chance to go kayaking with you this winter. I also really want to see the drum down the sun ceremony!

  23. We did stop by the farm on our way down to Chattanooga for a couple of days of fun - just to take a trip and see the changing leaves at this time of year. Farm looked beautiful... the day had a bright blue sky and bright sunshine... and the trees were magnificent. Love the new color of the farmhouse. Looked very peaceful... and quiet. Yoda was roaming around on his own... having fun -- when I looked up in the sky and noticed a big hawk circling right about where Yoda was... I think he thought Yoda might be a chicken. I grabbed Yoda ... just in case. Roger and I are both so hopeful that David gets good news at this check-up and that you can take you your travels and feel more free.

  24. Yeah the farm certainly did look pretty. I would have hated to have left it too!

    I'm sorry you are having to clean and sell your fathers house, but at least your sister in law took care of him. That was very nice of her.

    Good luck with David's tests.

  25. The farm looked beautiful. Hope the move went OK with your Dad. I know cleaning out the house is not fun but at least he is in a place where he can be cared for. Let us know how things go with David's tests.

  26. Gorgeous photos of the farm - makes me miss it too - what great colors out there! You'll be back after this next adventure. Hopefully, by the end of the week, you can be doing something else than cleaning and prepping Grandfather's house! I'm copying some of these pictures for a slide-show screen-saver :)

  27. Oh, I know that that is a LOT of work. Hang in and don't get too overwhelmed. Waiting anxiously to hear David's update. Take care! -- Pam


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