Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

Henry David Thoreau

Finally – kayaking

Monday December 17, 2012
Site 4 Gamble Rogers State Park
Flagler Beach, Florida


As usual…..

I’m up before dawn

Sunrise 024


The sun rises and all I see is a sliver.  It’s pink today


Sunrise 031A


After the sun is up the clouds start playing hard ball.

Sunrise 038

Sunrise 044


But by noon the sun has won the battle and the sky is looking fine.  It ultimately turns into a nearly cloudless day.


We’re down to our last days here so even though it’s windy, we’re going anyway

Kayak 003

We fiddle around in the morning and finally get over to the boat launch where our kayaks have been patiently waiting for about 12 days for us to take them out.  When we do get them out we find a hitchhiker on David’s kayak.  I help him along over into some shaded grass and wish him the best.Kayak 002 








Kayak 005


We are out on the water before 1:00.  It is really windy and we fight out way out of the park’s channel and into the intercoastal waterway.    Some big boats come flying along as we paddle near the shore line.  Their waves rock the kayaks.



We see a break in the far shore that might go into the mangroves so we head for it.

As we get there we see oyster beds and notice that the water level doesn’t appear low but the oyster beds reach out a long ways and we must be very careful to swing WIDE around them.  These channels are definitely not a place for sea eagles.

Kayak 009

The wind is less here but we are still paddling against the current.

Kayak 010

We try to go straight down in order to remember where we are so we can get back through the maze of twists and turns.


Kayak 017


I’m still trying to get that illusive really clear picture of the kingfisher.

Kayak 015


The further into the groves we get, the more calm it becomes.
It’s a lovely quiet paddle.


Kayak 025


Kayak 023


We’re almost the only ones on the water.

Kayak 007


Kayak 006


After a couple of hours of paddling, drifting and just enjoying the beauties of this natural place, we head back.

Kayak 028


With amazingly little trouble given the twists, turns and avenues we have taken, we find the dock which has one more car parked than was there when we went out.

Kayak 030

Tomorrow is our last day here at Gamble Rogers.  I’m going to be very sad to leave especially now that apparently the weather is taking a turn for the better.  The park is definitely on my return to list.  IF I get another reservation at this very popular place.


  1. Those oyster shells can be a bear. Mo cut her hand on one when we were kayaking in South Carolina and it was pretty scary. To the bone! Glad you got out on the water at least once while you were there.

  2. I'm going to have to put Gamble Rogers on our list to check out. Looks like a great place and what a great paddle!

  3. What a perfect way to celebrate the days becoming longer... a long beautiful paddle! Through your arms wide open.... We survived yet another doomsday countdown! We shall camp again.

  4. Doesn't it figure, your last day and it finally gets nice enough to go paddling? At least one time is better than none and you certainly made the most of it. :c)

  5. Yikes, the oyster beds look like an area to avoid. Such a beautiful area!

  6. Again lovely sunrise pictures! And, looks like it was a lovely paddle - sun, water and groves. Beautiful :)

  7. Glad you got on the water. Must be delightful to paddle under calm conditions silently past the birds. Safe travels.

  8. Glad you got the kayaks out finally. That happened to us in the Keys too...

  9. Thanks for the warning about the oyster beds. We took our kayak out on its first voyage in Oak Creek here in Murrells Inlet. Didn't realize how dangerous those oyster beds can be to a Sea Eagle;o(( Fortunately we didn't hit anything, but we sure learned to avoid them in the future.

    Looked like a nice paddle and wonderful park. Have to keep my eyes on reservations in the future!!

    Now go have fun and a Merry Christmas with Carrie:o))

  10. Cool picture of the hitchhiker on David's kayak.

    Glad the weather finally cooperated for a nice paddle.

  11. Your kayaking looked like a lot of fun. I hope good weather carries on for you now wherever you might be.

  12. Nice to finally see some sunshine in your posts. It is always a spirit lifter for me. David looks good in his pics.... looks healthier and stronger. Great rejoicing here about that!! The wind is howling today in Maryland... and I am procrastinating getting outside to finish up a few things. I am still hoping, though, for a white Christmas... not so likely they say here in Maryland. Merry Christmas to you 3!

  13. Glad to see you enjoying time on the water. What a great way to round out your stay at Ganble Rogers.

  14. glad to see you got out on the water before you had to leave...what was that hitchhiker? can't wait to see where your headed next..


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