Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

Henry David Thoreau

On the Road to Pennsylvania

Monday September 10, 2012
Gifford Pinchot State Park Site B311, Lewisberry, PA


Out of order and just for the record.

Sorry this is out of order, the hospital visit which continues got in the way.  But I have a little time tonight and wanted to post this so I don’t lose site of what happened “before”.  Not much new on David.  He is better today and did get out of bed for the first time but can’t leave the hospital until the fevers are gone and their cause determined.  So we wait.


What a day we had!  

I had my annual physical this morning at 8:30.  All seems fine but then I’ve learned first hand that until you get your blood results, you don’t really know.

I was back at Winnona at 10am and we finished loading her up.  We thought we’d be on the road at about 10:30 but then the other shoe dropped.  Or rather the other spring broke.

Early last year,  a spring on the driver’s side rear jack broke and we had to get a new one.  Of course in that situation you have to replace both springs which David did.  But we also wisely bought another set so that when this happened now to the right side passenger rear jack we had the springs.  So it was either change them now or postpone the trip.  David wanted to do it and he did although it was more difficult due to the change in his physical strength.  It delayed the take off  by  1.5 but by about 12:30 , we were on our way.


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After that, I got into the driver’s seat and took us all the way to Gifford Pinchot State Park in Lewisberry, Pennsylvania.  Carrie would be joining us here since it is only about 90 minutes from her home in Maryland.  We planned to go to Hershey’s Chocolate World and the Hershey RV Show.


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We chose to take the “shorter” route rather than the longer nearly all interstate route.  Saved us gas but the frustration level was high.  Too many narrow roads with almost no shoulders.  


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And too many towns with construction and traffic back ups at stop light after stop light.


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Although there were some lovely stretches as we made our way through Virginia, into Maryland


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and finally Pennsylvania.


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We pulled into Gifford Pinchot State Park in Lewisberry, PA.  Not many other campers here in the 300+ spots.



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Here’s the view of the magnificent lake through our currently still dirty window.


We got backed in hook up the electric, went to do the water and there was no water hook up. We hadn’t even considered that possibility since we’d paid $22.50 a night with the old folks discount. So should we go out back out and get water?  I walked around looking for spigots and finally found one.  But by this point, I’m exhausted from the drive and traffic and roads.  And even though he did none of the driving, David is feeling tired which we now recognize was the first clue to what was coming.  So we didn’t go out for a tank full of water and I’ve been carrying water and using the bath house which is working fine for me.  I’m a boondocker at heart after all.

This is a lovely park where I wish we could get the kayaks in the lake and enjoy the trails.  Maybe another time.

Gifford Pinchot Site B311 (1)



MORE postcards!!!

Finally I want to thank an unknown post card sender from Minnesota who sent me one from Itasca which is a place I’ve been, loved and MUST return to again. If you have never been to the source of the Mighty Mississippi, you must go.  It’s a wonderful state park and you can stand with one foot on the east side and one on the west side of the “river”.   Wish the sender had signed the card so I’d know who to thank.  If you are out there, please let me know who you are.

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And thanks to Betty who sent a second postcard.  This one of Bob’s Red Mill in Milwaukie Oregon.  Looks like a place I need to go to get great flours.  I think gluten free as well. The mill was built by Betty’s husband Joe’s uncle Wesley so she’s very familiar with it. Wow Betty!  Thanks so much.


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Check out the mirror now.  Can you find the new ones?  Not much room left.  Should I try to cover the wall? 


Sun-Wed 035


  1. Sherry,

    You are not all that far from us, really. Just want to let you know if you ever need or want a place to boondock, we have a big parking lot. Hope David continues to improve and that they find the cause of the infection pronto so you guys can be on your merry way! Love to both!

  2. That looks like a really lovely park! No water is weird tho. AND the mirror is hardly there! Great people have responded as they did. Get well David, slow and true is the ticket. Take Care to both of you!!!

  3. You look really good behind the wheel, just like Danica Patrick!

    Glad to hear David is getting better, hope he gets out of the hospital soon and back to your side in Winnona.

  4. I wonder if David getting under the motorhome and working on replacing the springs has anything to do with his infection; he probably breathed in some stuff he shouldn't have or maybe got bit by something. In any event, here's to a speedy recovery.

  5. Sherry, if you had a water thief and a long enough hose, I would think there would be a spigot somewhere! You are really a trooper. Hoping the best for David, as always. I'm sure he knows how lucky he is to have someone stand by him during this most difficult time in his life.

    You look great behind the wheel! I prefer the back roads, but then I have a small trailer. Rich used to get impatient when traffic was jammed up, but I used to tell him to relax--that it was the best time to enjoy having a Class A, and I'd get him a snack, a drink, and something to read. He would laugh.

    Hope you're back to living your dream, soon.

  6. I got excited there for a minute thinking you were back on the road..hoping David improves and they find the cause of this grrrr......hugsss......

  7. I'd love to see the look on people's faces when teeny tiny Sherry jumps out from behind Winnona's steering wheel. :-)

    Prayers continuing for David.

  8. Oh, so good to hear from you this morning, Sherry. I'll keep hoping for better news for David. I loved Itasca. We stood on both sides of the Mississippi there as well. Do you remember the statue of mother earth that is there at the beginning of the trail? I love that sculpture. Take care.

  9. Yes, you should try to cover the wall! ;) When Dad does work on the RV, he should be on a towel or something - keep that dirt well away. I'm glad the Virginia into Maryland stretch got the nicest of the driving pictures :) Looking forward to the chocolate factory blog!

  10. Glad to hear David is improving!! Hope they find the cause and he gets his strength back. You just need to take things one step at a time. I know it is difficult adjusting plans or just trying to make plans. We keep you both in our thoughts everyday!!

    Please keep us up to date. We will be in PA, not far from Hershey by next Wednesday!!

  11. We found that no water north of the Mason-Dixon was not at all unusual.
    Get well David!

  12. David, so sorry you have been feeling rotten! Hope you gain strength and feel even better than before!

  13. You can find Bob's Red Mill products online and in some grocery stores. Even Walmarts carry Bob's Red Mill products (well not all Walmarts).

    I hope Dave gets well quick.



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