Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

Henry David Thoreau

She gives us the cold shoulder

Sunday November 24, 2013
Hunting Island State Park
South Carolina



It’s a freezing  sunrise.



Yes this morning the temperature is in the low 40’s  but the the wind is in the mid 20 mph.  The wind is biting.  I nearly freeze my fingers off watching the sunrise and taking these pictures.  There are actually a few other diehards with me today.  I’m pretty surprised.   I’ve been avoiding getting out my winter coat and hat.  I’m  on my way to Florida for heaven’s sake.  But I sure wish I had worn my gloves out here this morning.  I feel like I have frostbite on my hands by the time I get back

But of course the sunrise, despite the weather, does not disappoint.





As a result of this low 30’s windchill factor which doesn’t let up all  day, we spend almost no time  outside. 

We will be leaving tomorrow so we do a little bit of packing up outside .  Kayaks on the car, bikes on the car, mat, chairs and tire covers put away.  ENOUGH!  Too cold!

Tomorrow morning they are promising temperatures below freezing here.  And if the wind doesn’t diminish that may well  feel like the teens.  Better to do what we can in the low 30’s WITH gloves on.






I make some soup for lunch.  It turns out to be more of a garlic, vegetable, red lentil stew.  Eating it feels wonderful; it is warm and hits  the spot.  We do the Sea Island Scene Crossword Puzzle and decide we really want to get out for a walk of some sort.  We will try a hike on the beach. Surely things  have warmed up. We can see the sun shining.  But we can also see the waves bashing. 

When we get out there, it feels just like  this morning so we make those silly attempts at selfies just to remember this moment.  We’re bundled up like we are back at Churchill Manitoba with the Polar Bears.  That’s where David’s heavy duty hoodie is from.  Mine is from  Hunting Island. I guess the fact that they sell such a thick heavy hoodie here should have given me a clue. 





After nearly laughing ourselves silly and freezing we change the afternoon stroll to one around the back campground loops where the wind isn’t so strong and thus it isn’t QUITE as cold.






When we return it is great to just sit inside and look out our big front windows at the surf being blown all  over the place by the wind.  So wonderful to have heat at our fingertips. But we sure have gotten the cold shoulder from Hunting Island on our last day here.

We’re off to Georgia for few days tomorrow.  I’m beginning to wonder if we’d better just beat feet to Florida if we don’t want to keep dressing in heavy layers like this.  :-))


  1. Beautiful sunrise but brrrrr! Just your description of the cold has me burrowing under my blanket.

  2. Some blogger friends were in the Carolinas with temps in the teens and it was 19 degrees INSIDE their rig with the furnace running with only about ten seconds in between cycles. Yikes! Glad you are on your way south!

  3. Beautiful sunrise!! Hope you find warmth in Georgia... and, Happy Thanksgiving!!


  4. Looks like the cold weather has many unhappy. We left texas to escape...but it us in the 20s in Kentucky. I see our power went out in Maryland for a few hours last night. We will br back in Maryland tomorrow...actually thanksgiving day. We celebrated earlier with the texas crew. Had lots of fun. Hope your turkey day is fun and that you travel to warmer temps. Love the selfies.

  5. Geezz, get the heck to Florida! It is going to be 18 here tonight. Thank goodness it will start warming up here onFriday.

  6. Its pretty chilly here in Florida tonight too.

  7. At least it wasn't snowing. Happy Thanksgiving, Georgia.

  8. Those pictures are too cute! Wish I could borrow that nice thick hoodie! It has been getting down to the mid-20's here in Hot Springs, AR, as well. Seems too cold to be so early! I keep trying to brave the weather to get some exercise, but the wind keeps sending me scurrying back inside the RV. I could not agree with you more, so very "thankful" for my heat! Wishing you both a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow!

  9. Great sunrise but I definitely would not be out in those conditions to watch it. I have been forced into long pants for the first time in two years. Not happy-after all I live in FL:(

  10. It's freezing in TX, too. You made the best of your walk with your happy photos. Happy Thanksgiving.

  11. You guys have to head to warmer weather. It's currently 55 degrees in Casa Grande, AZ, but it's also 10:12 PM.

  12. 41 degrees at 3 am in Tampa right now. That front sure took the humidity away, but left a chilly aftertaste.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  13. Thanks for leaving the COLD beach for us;o(( You guys are definitely heading in the right direction!! It is 30 degrees here at Buck Hall and we are ready to do an about face;o))

  14. Love those "selfie" shots! And my stomach growled when I saw the pic of that yummy looking soup even though I'm reading this at 6:30 am!! That looks delicious!

  15. Gotta tell you, it was 34 this morning here in Central FL. Had the heat going, the fireplace going, and the water running!

  16. Bad aim on those self portraits. Excellent soup! Perfect for a chilly day. It was a blessing to see some sunshine despite the wind. When does this cold spell end??

  17. It's been pretty nice here in AZ after all the rain, hope it gets warm in TX before we get there. Happy Thanksgiving hope you find some warm weather soon.

  18. And to think you've gone South to escape the cold, winter weather! :cO

    You certainly did bundle up on that beach walk, too bad there were no trees to hug to warm you up! ;c)

  19. Thank you for freezing your fingers off to get those gorgeous sunrise photos. Safe travels.

  20. Gorgeous gorgeous sunrise! oooooohhhhhh it's cold… all the way up to 27 here now… yay

    That soup looks delicious as well as nutritious…. I hope you realize how absolutely wonderful it would be to share soup and a crossword and laughing yourself silly with your love…. I remember those days and I tell you… to have that now? would be so wonderful… but I'm watching little ol Charlie tear up my bookcase. I could stop him .. but it's sooooo cute…. taking the covers off books and waving them about…


  21. Those selfies are too cute! Trying to get them centered when there's a big height difference can be a challenge. We can relate. . . .

  22. It's chilly here in Sacramento as well, although I don't think it's anything like as cold as you describe. Hang in there - summer will probably feel like being in an oven!

  23. Beautiful sunrise, but that does sound cold, especially for SC :( I can imagine you guys taking those selfies - complete hilarity - we'll have to try some when I'm down with you in a few weeks where I hope it will be warm, wonderful beach weather!! Yummy soup - that would be great on any cold weather day!


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