Monday November 21, 2011
A young neighbor dropped by on a Saturday morning with his infant son. The boy had a nasty cold with warning flares streaming from both nostrils. He let his son down to run around the barnyard while we chatted whereupon I learned the boy likes to fetch things and carry them around, including tools I had out and some I didn’t actually have out yet that he was joyous over finding and bringing out for us. The conversation was short, he fetched the boy and they went off to the woods for some father-son bonding time.
I went back to work and did not think more about it until I developed a nasty head cold with a hearty, productive cough a few days later. After a week I was about sick of this and figured it must be about to wind down, play itself out and let me get back to well being. Instead, I began having more symptoms from the flu spectrum, nighttime chills, fever, fatigue, achy muscles & increasing trips to the bathroom when I supposed to be sleeping.
Okay, I have been here before, one of those flus that starts out as a cold and closes as a flu. After three nights of this, I decided maybe this wasn’t just a flu, there were just too many symptoms and all getting worse by the day. I just had a feeling this might not be a flu & unlike myself, I called the doctor and to my good fortune there was a 15 minute slot available that afternoon.
At first review of my chart, he chuckled when he read that my first sign of fever was Sunday night, and here it was only Wednesday and I was already whining for help? That was before he listened to my lungs to which he replied, “I see, you were right. Pneumonia, bilateral. This is serious, but it won’t kill you.” That got my attention. He quickly moved on to writing down exactly what I needed to do before returning for a follow-up visit in 10 days to see if he had guessed correctly. You see, he treated me for presumed bacterial pneumonia. Because there are so many causes of pneumonia & there is no time to waste trying to isolate the specific cause, you go for the most likely suspect first, so he could be wrong or only partially right so they have to have me back to confirm success before they let me go.
For those of you not already well acquainted with pneumonia, I recommend the Wikipedia entry as an excellent summary of this malevolent disease.
I must credit my doctor for a job well done. Although we are not out of the woods yet, I am feeling much better. My follow-up visit is still many days off, but I learned yesterday that young boy got over his cold in time and is fine – no pneumonia for him. That was great news because pneumonia is most deadly in children (principally in under developed countries these days), and the elderly (i.e. those much older than me ;)) and those with impaired immune systems. First time for me, and I hope the last.
Now Sherry’s Stories
As those of you who have followed this blog know, I had quite a problem with my eyes beginning and Texas and lasting for a month or so. Burning, watering, extreme sensitivity to light. I thought it was an allergy but allergy meds did no good. Eventually it cleared up, mostly.When I went in for my annual eye check of contacts, I mentioned this to my doctor who said he saw a minor infection and would treat me for it. Fine. BUT the treatment brought the problems back full force-burning, watering, extreme light sensitivity. In looking into what was up, we found that the antibiotic/steroid drops used to treat this contained sulfa, the only drug to which I am allergic. So I stopped the drug and the symptoms went away. I’ll be going back to my doctor for a clean eye bill of health same time David goes back for his.
But the good news is that yesterday I went out and did a 2.5 mile walk/run with EXCELLENT results other than I am abysmally out of shape. So I will be slowly building back up and though I am happy to be able to run again and hopefully get rid of some of this 15 pounds I’ve gained in the past nearly 3 months, I don’t enjoy running any more than I ever did.
That’s the news from here. Hope you enjoyed the opening sunset from Winnona’s Virginia Camping spot.
Being a four time "winner" of pneumonia, it's good that David caught it early. My third bought was not caught early enough and left me with collapsed lungs and permanent damage. Not fun. Breathing is a beautiful thing.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear Sherry not only can get back to running but she can see where she's going, too! ;c)
Wow! Sounds like you both could use several gallons of chicken soup. :)
ReplyDeleteGeez! Yup, pneumonia is not a wonderful thing to have..and can be dangerous. Glad to hear both of you are on the mend, and feeling better!
ReplyDeleteglad all are getting better...
ReplyDeleteMan, it stuns me that pneumonia can still be fatal in the 21st century. It's a good lesson in believing our bodies when they warn us.
ReplyDeleteSherry, you are some disciplined woman to run faithfully when you don't like it.
And, holy moly, what a clean roof!
Glad to hear both of you are on the mend!! You've both got a month to get your strength back and then it will be time for FUN in FLORIDA:o))
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime,
Happy Thanksgiving and keep counting....
Hope you are both feeling better.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear you're both feeling well -- not good getting sick, but the silver lining (if there is one) is that you got hit while at the farm and not on the road. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're feeling better. Don't you hate when people come around when they are sick. Too bad the Dad didn't get a little case of it too!
ReplyDeleteOh my! Really glad to hear you two are both back on the mend.
ReplyDeleteGee, now I feel bad about whining about a cold last week:(
ReplyDeleteWaxing the roof!? I thought about doing that... for about 3 seconds. My knees hurt now just because I saw David up there.
hope you are both feeling better from this "pneumoniae"
ReplyDeleteSO glad you guys are doing better! so glad you can run, Sherry! I'd be really upset if I couldn't ride my bike! Teaching for 34 years gave me great immunity from most things for years but I'm sure that has worn off by now. That was a cute comment about Sherry being able to see where she's scary as we get older when we get sick with something serious that affects eyes or lungs. Take care you two, and hope we can connect in Florida somewhere!