Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

Henry David Thoreau

We interrupt this slow programming….

Saturday December 7, 2013
Sebastian Inlet State Park



to bring you an eye witness account of…..



Yes I’m behind on the blog again by a couple of days and I’ll go back and get them but today is my birthday and I have the perfect day so I want it to be posted on the day that is so perfect.  Well perfect for me anyway.

You have to understand that for me birthdays are a BIG DEAL.  I believe everyone should CELEBRATE, in the way that is most perfect for them, the fact that they were born, that they have lived however many wonderful years and are living yet another one.


For me it begins with…….






AM Sunrise Saturday 035



It sneaks in and then comes up blazing.   Just makes me want to sing so IAM Sunrise Saturday 049 do.  I sing my birthday song!

It’s a new day!  Yes it’s all brand new and it’s my day to start my life anew.  Another year is on my plate and I can tell it’s gonna be great!  







I do a beach combing walk before heading back and take a picture rather than the shells with me.

AM Sunrise Saturday 062



AM Sunrise Saturday 065


As I bike back to Winnona, I look up and there is a rainbow salute to my day.  Terrific!

The rest of my morning is breakfast with friends and their blogs.   Emails with birthday wishes.  Phone calls with birthday wishes. 

I’m off to a great start.





What a beach day this turns out to be!!


Birthday at the Beach 006A

In the afternoon, I go to the ocean and set up my chair for a little reading, wave watching, beach combing.   What a day is presented to me.   In a word – perfect.

The temperature is perfect – 79.  The water is perfect – warm.  The wind is perfect -  very light.   The skies are blue, the water is blue.  The waves are perfect – BIG, white and rolling but fun to  play in.  They don’t knock us over.




Birthday at the Beach 023

Birthday at the Beach 027 

Birthday at the Beach 055


Birthday at the Beach 057



We play and read and play and read and it is just the most fun.  It’s hard to leave but it’s dinner time.

Birthday at the Beach 083



What’s a birthday without great food?


Birthday at the Beach 097

I’m not a restaurant lover.  The food we make is much better than nearly anything I ever have out. 

And since it’s my birthday, I can have anything I want at any time I want.  House rules for your birthday.

So I choose dinner early.   I’ve worked up quite an appetite.  The menu: scalloped oysters, MY FAVORITE, and tiny brussels sprouts.  For dessert, a smaller version of the family chocolate cake. Moist chocolate cake with rich butter cream icing. I forget to take a picture of it before we mangle it but it still tastes TRIPLE YUM!!

And what’s really great is that I get to do this entire food thing again tomorrow since there are leftovers.   The cake might even go three rounds!


Birthday at the Beach 136



The sun goes down but the fun isn’t over yet.



Birthday at the Beach 133



Sunset time arrives and my heron buddy is there in his usual place just waiting to be photographed.


It’s a blazingly beautiful  sunset just like the sunrise.  Bookends on my day.







Birthday at the Beach 106




Birthday at the Beach 135


Since we’ve had dinner early we have plenty of time to enjoy a present Carrie sent.  She, and most of you, probably know I’m a Jane Austin fan.  I’ve read all the books, and books about the books including The Jane Austin Book Club and most recently Among the Janeites

In my value laden way, I pretty much have refused to go to big screen movies since they raised the price over $8 but on DVD I’ve seen all the movies and BBC productions including Becoming Jane and now Carrie has sent me a copy of The Jane Austin Book Club DVD which I have not yet seen.

My final fun activity for my birthday is to watch this with a BIG bowl of BUTTERED popcorn, a really rare treat.



My day has been a GREAT one. 
Thank you David. 
Thank you Carrie.   
Thanks to everyone who called or wrote or sent birthday wishes.
Thank you ocean waves.
Thank you weather Goddess.


I hope your special day, whenever it is, is as good as this one was for me.


Tomorrow I’ll be back to the regularly scheduled delayed look at the fun we’re having.  I’ll be back with Thursday the 5th of December (the one I WAS going to publish today) and promise to try to whiz up to the present IF I can.  Hard to do when I’m so busy having fun!!


  1. LOVE the heron and the sunset and your attitude and your day .... Happy Birthday, Sherry... I try not to be covetous ... I really do ... ;)

    Such good good stuff coming form you ...

  2. So glad you had a perfect day....for your special day!!
    It was perfect here too!! If you are a polar bear. The high temp today was 12. Yes you heard me right, 12. Tonight it will dip to a balmy -2, with 20 mile and hour winds. Tomorrow is looking up and the temp rises all the way to 13. I think I will just take a nap.... till spring.

  3. I wish your very happy birthday continues on and on. The day was great - doing what you love to do, eating the dinner you love to eat, and just generally enjoying the day.

    Actually celebrating my birthday is a new experience for me - I've never wanted to celebrate becoming a year older and didn't want anyone to mention it to me - like it wasn't happening. Grandchildren changed all that - they not only know when it is your birthday, but exactly how old you are (older than God)! You remind me of my dad - he loved to celebrate! It's a great way to be.

  4. Happy birthday, Sherry. May you and David share many more of these glorious occasions!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sherry. I am glad you had such a great day.

  6. Happy Birthday, sounds like you had a wonderful day!

    Sooooooo glad you had a very special day .... I love Birthdays too ..... May the coming year be filled with health, happiness and lots of fun !!!!!

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHERRY! I tried to call you but you were out enjoying YOUR day and I am so glad that it was a great one! You got to spend your day your way as it should be. I hope that you feel appreciated and loved, because you are! I will try to call you tomorrow when we are supposed to have snow, sleet and ice.....The lovely "wintery mix"!

  9. I can feel your birthday happiness pouring off the screen. As it should be. I too like to treat my birthday as a very big deal. Because it is!


  10. It's 1am here, do I'm a bit late Happy Birthday, sounds like a great day of having fun and relaxing.

  11. Oh, Sherry, that birthday celebration just looks like PERFECTION from start to finish! Such a great way to celebrate your next ride around the sun on this glorious planet of ours! Glad you are having fun! Send some of that perfect sunshine to Texas, where I sit tonight with icicles hanging off all four sides of my rig!

  12. According to my calendar...your birthday is today, the 8th of December?!?!? So just go ahead and have another wonderful birthday celebration;o))) Maybe you might even find a Brewsters and get some JMC:o)))

  13. Happy, Happy Birthday to someone I consider a wonderful friend! Easy for me to feel your joy as I agree with every aspect of the way you spent your day! It WAS the perfect day! Our philosophy around her is Birthday WEEKS, so just keep right on celebrating.

  14. What a wonderful day you had, that is a 29th birthday you'll always remember! :c)

  15. What a fabulously perfect way to celebrate your birthday. The sunrise and sunset sure put on a show for you, but my favorite photo is the one with the heron at dusk. The chocolate cake photo shows your birthday enthusiasm. I love that it's half-eaten.

    I used to be reserved about my birthdays yet secretly hope something special would happen. A close friend who shared your view on birthdays inspired me to embrace the day and create my birthdays rather than hoping they would be great. Your joie de vivre is contagious. Happy, happy birthday!

  16. thanks so much for sharing your perfect birthday day! what beautiful weather (such a contrast to what we are having!) and scenes! have another piece of cake for me and enjoy the rest of your birthday month...

  17. Birthdays are quite fun to celebrate...glad you did yours in style!

  18. my kind of birthday dinner... Yum!

  19. awww. . .I enjoyed every minute of your birthday celebration. . .you go girl!

  20. You certainly had the perfect day for you!

  21. So glad you had a wonderful birthday, Mama! It was great to talk to you twice and hear how happy you were :) What a Bum that the DVD was scratched - grrr. BUT, still it looks like you had a terrific day nonetheless from sunrise to sunset and everything in between - great waves, great food (and cake). YAY! What a cute beagle card! You make it easy to know what you like :)

  22. Sounds like you had the perfect birthday! Yay!

  23. Happy Birthday! So glad you got to be at the beach!

  24. Happy Birthday Sherry! What a great way to spend the day.

  25. We have the same house rules -- it's our day, so we get to do whatever we want to. Your day looked just perfect for you! Happy Birthday!!!

  26. Happy, Happy day to you!!! It looked like the perfect one too!!!

  27. Sounds perfect. Happy birthday, Sherry. What a great day.

  28. Bleated Birthday Wishes!!. Seems you had a great enjoyment in your new day. Beautiful pictures and wonderful food.

  29. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a great one. Nice photos on a warm beach. Love those kind of pictures. Not so warm here...

  30. Well, I'm a little late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It looks like you had the perfect birthday for you, starting and ending on the beach. Now I'm hungry for brussell sprouts.

  31. robinkwalton@gmail.comDecember 9, 2013 at 10:05 AM

    Happy Happy Birthday.
    WHAT A DAY! Love the sunrise and sunset..Reading by the ocean..water play..79tempetures...can't get any better! Ernie would love your meal as well..I'll take the Chocolate cake..no oysters or brussel sprouts but when it's YOUR day you get to pick your best. Hurray..and what a day
    Happy Happy Birthday...Ashley and I are big fans too of Jane Austin! Funny note..we saw some toddler books for the Jane Austin series of books..what a hoot! Love ya..Robin

  32. Happy belated birthday greetings ... though late, the sentiments are sincere. Looks like you're having a grand time in Florida.

  33. Happy Belated Birthday, we've been with out internet for the last week and I'm just now getting caught up with everyone before I post. Looks like you had a great day with all of your favorite things.

  34. Nice to see so many comments for your birthday! I think we all share your joy in being alive and appreciating it as opposed to wasting energy fretting about getting older. You do know how to LIVE.


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